Author Topic: Unlimited, Free, Business opportunity leads for any Business  (Read 10910 times)

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In addition to getting as many free business opportunity leads as you can use, here is how to also get 14,348,907 free advertisements for your business opportunity.

These advertisements are viewed frequently because the members are spending a lot of time on their member page getting free leads they need! Your advertisement is in front of them as they spend this time online.
You get a free, permanent, advertisement on their member page (control panel) when they join under you. So all the while they are working and getting leads your advertisement is in front of them.

Unlimited, free, business opportunity leads for any business

« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 08:57:13 PM by damiendollars »

1,000 Leads Daily - 3 Day Risk Free Trial

Business Opportunity Leads!


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Tax Money Owed to you before you even make a $1
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2008, 03:08:25 PM »

This means that every month hundreds of YOUR ALREADY EARNED, rightfully deserved Dollars are disappearing into this same tax toilet.

Give me just 5 Minutes and I will show you how to leverage the LEGAL Tax Benefits of ANY Home Based Business to increase your after tax, take home income by as much as $200-$800 or more PER MONTH before you ever generate a single lead, sell a single product or recruit a single new associate into your business.

        With your membership to Business Tax Advantage you will get all of the Tools, Training and Support needed to take advantage of all of the tax benefits available to all Home Business Owners. Simply, by following an easy to understand step by step process for just a few minutes each day and you will be able to take advantage of all of the following tax deductions and many more:

    8)Business use of your car or truck
By leveraging just this one deduction you could be able to increase your monthly take home income by hundreds per month! You will want to leverage this deduction, at the very least!
    8)Marketing tools and office supplies
Pretty much every thing you need to run your home office to properly build your business is now tax deductible.
     :oPortions of your rent, mortgage, home-maintenance and repairs
Write off the portion of your home that is regularly used for business purposes.
    8)Write off a portion of your utilities
A portion of your gas, electric, water, sewer, garbage and other utilities can be a tax deductible business expense.
    :oHire your kids to work in your business
Don't pay your children an allowance - Teach them while they are young the value of hard work and the benefits of owning a home based business. If you hire them to work for you, you can deduct what you pay them as a business expense. The best part is if they are under 18, some or all of the income they receive is non-taxable so they get to keep everything they earn.
    :DMobile phones, office phone and internet service
Write off the business use portion of your home and/or mobile phone, as well as your internet service. Or, you could always just get a second line specifically for your business.
    ::)Gifts, meals, recreation and entertainment expenses
Turn your next lunch or dinner at your favorite restaurant, golf game or other sporting event into a tax deductible business expense.
    8)Non-reimbursed medical and health care expenses
Anything your employer does not cover could be covered by your home-based business.
    8)Computers, furniture, furnishings, and other office equipment
Desks, chairs, copy machine, fax machines, laptops, printers are all tax deductible business expenses.
    ???Business travel that may include a family vacation
Go on a business trip and stay a few extra days and relax with your spouse and the rest of the family.
    8)Meetings and conventions
These can be local, out of state, or in another country as long as they are ordinary and necessary for your business.

Plus many more business costs and expense

This is a very short list of the many business deductions available to you when you start and operate a legitimate home-based business with the intent to make profit.

Click Below for a Business Tax Benefits account today


Did you know that in 2005 about 50% of all Americans have tried to own there own home business. 2005 People, this is 2008.

If you continue to read threw my Forum Topic, you will understand a lot more about marketing on the internet.

I have created a website guiding you threw steps to starting a home business. Threw this you will be introduced to several company's which will welcome you as a home business owner. Several important things are required, and with the help I provide, you can easily be recognized by these company's.
Officially having a home business is not difficult, but I will add that owning a website is a huge benefit, with that said when you sign up for my free assistance, you will see an opportunity to setup a website which does cost, but for a small fee. (highly recommend it)
-There is more to owning a website then what meets the eye- you will discover this soon

Start Your Business Here:

(I Do NOT accept Money) so no payments required
« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 08:55:29 PM by damiendollars »


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Five Characteristics of Success in MLM
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2008, 03:24:27 PM »
Hey Damien Parsons here again. I’ve been in the network marketing industry for 3 years, and I have seen a lot. I’ve tried different business systems and approaches, and been met with different levels of success. But most importantly, throughout my life’s career journey, I’ve had the chance to meet and be taught by some amazing people. People who know this industry. Good, honest people, who have worked hard to get to the top. People who have made money. A lot of money. Millions. And millions.

I learned a great deal from these leaders, not just from the things that they taught me, but from my own observations of them. I noticed that all of them had similar characteristics that helped them achieve the kind of success that so many of us dream about.

1. They used their own products or services and could explain
why you should use them. (They were a product of the product.)

2. They had a reason for doing the business and a business plan.

3. They let the tools do the selling.

4. They were always learning more about the business.

5. They stayed in the game long enough to have a chance to

By holding strong to these principles, these people made millions. Sound like you have those qualities? I’ll tell you something: you don’t have to be born with them. Some of them are developed by smart business practices and patience, and anyone of us can develop those characteristics. And those of us who do are well on their way to achieving their dreams. My goal in business in life is to Buy a second home, Be a leader in my business, Gain time freedom. I know that I can achieve that through The SpiderWeb Marketing System because I researched thoroughly and know this is the best system, It has been wonderful so far, It is a brilliant business model that makes perfect sense.

In my next blog entry, I’ll tell you about how The SpiderWeb Marketing System will help you achieve each of those integral characteristics. It will be good. It will be real. And it will help you understand how you can make money in The SpiderWeb Marketing System.

To get the whole scoop, visit


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5 Characteristics of Succesful MLM (Part 2)
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2008, 04:46:31 PM »
I’m excited for this blog entry, and I hope you are too. In the last entry, I talked about five characteristics I’ve seen in my experience that have led people to real success in the network marketing industry. In my opinion, you cannot be successful without them. With them, however, you are in a strong position to achieve your aspirations in this industry.

I want to explain to you how The SpiderWeb Marketing System holds to these characteristics and will help you develop them yourself.

1. They used their own products or services and could explain why you should use them.

This is an easy one. Its easy to sell a product when you use it yourself. A personal guarantee based on experience is a powerful tool. As you use The SpiderWeb Marketing System, you’ll see the success, and as you tell others about it, they’ll see your success and want to be a part of it as well.

2. They had a reason for doing the business and a business plan.

There are more reasons to do business other than just to make money, right now. While SpiderWeb will make money for you right now, it can also be viewed as an investment, with immediate, and long-term returns. The business network that you build with people with similar goals in mind will benefit you for many years.

3. They let the tools do the selling.

Let us do the work. This system has been created to sell itself for you. The tools are in place to advertise, market, and sell this system, all with no extra effort on your part. Some things really are simple.

4. They were always learning more about the business.

I think this holds true in all aspects of life. Those who stay on top of things, always ready to adapt to the different challenges and changes that come their way, are the ones who make it. At SpiderWeb Marketing, we are daily seeking ways to improve. In fact, we never stop getting better. We’ve got the best product on the market, and we’ll always strive to make it even better.

5. They stayed in the game long enough to have a chance to succeed.

Patience is a virtue in any business. Think of the exponential growth model, which is shaped like a J. It starts out slow, when patience is required, then all of a sudden, boom! Exponential growth. That’s how a network operates. From personal experience, I can tell you that the longer you are involved, the broader and more expansive your network will become, until soon you have cash coming in from the farthest reaches of the universe.

I am convinced that there are keys to success in life. Five of those keys are listed above. For some, they come naturally. For others, they have to be developed. Either way, they work. They just need a vehicle to turn attributes into assets. The SpiderWeb Marketing System is the way to develop those critical attributes and find the success that you work so hard for.

Perhaps you joined MLM for some of the same reasons that I did. I loved the product, I was excited by the comfort of working from home, I loved the idea of flexibility. Perhaps you tried to do some of the same things that I did. I tried a different Company, then another, then another, I made a list of my 100 closest friends and family members, I gave away hundreds of dollars worth of Samples and promotional materials, I attended boring company training events. Either way, however, the point is that I know that through The SpiderWeb Marketing System I can accomplish my goal to Go on my Dream Vacation, Gain financial freedom, Buy my Dream Car, Share my knowledge with others.

To learn all you ever wanted to know about how to become filthy rich, visit
« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 09:00:35 PM by damiendollars »


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Re: Marketing Help, legit vs scam, and Free programs to look for
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2008, 11:31:13 PM »

If you're trying to promote your business online, the LAST thing you need is to hear that someone else's business is so much better than yours, or how the only way you'll ever make money online is by quitting YOUR business and joining THEIRS.


You can make money online with ANY legitimate business IF you have the right tools and IF you know how to use those tools.

Listen, I'm going to be straight with you. I spent more than a year jumping from program to program, always believing that if I could just find the right one, I could make it work for me.

I never made a DIME and spent thousands of dollars trying ! The hard truth is that I could have made money much sooner with ANY of the programs I joined if I had only known then what I know now.

==========What I Know Now==========

I post to 1,986,873 Active Networkers in our community of Marketers and Opportunist.

How would you like to post to our Level 4 ~ Level 6 Net workers?

In Reality-Networkers, a level 4 ~ level 6 member has a team of over 200+ downlines and is making thousands every month by taking his team to join as many programs as there are on the internet.

If you have a really great program that catches one of our level 4 ~ level 6 member's attention, you can pretty much just sit back and watch the money flow in month after month !

In addition to this awesome safelist, you'll also be given a chance to build your own team of active networkers.

You'll be given access to our Marketing Tutorials, a huge Safelist Directory, a list of Pre-written Headlines/Ads, Ad Trackers, Banners, Teaser Pages, and our famous Step-by-Step Reports showing you exactly what and where to post your ads to build a team of active networkers so you can also earn like a nice passive income every month just like our Level 4 ~ Level 6 members.

So what are you still waiting for ? Sign up below right now for a 14-day free trial and see just how you can achieve Financial Freedom through our community!

« Last Edit: November 08, 2008, 09:17:29 PM by damiendollars »


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Re: Marketing Help, legit vs scam, and Free programs to look for
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2008, 07:49:44 AM »
Videos use in Multi-level marketing has skyrocketed in 2008. MLM websites have shifted their focus from the “FREE! FREE! FREE!*” (glaringly suspicious asterisk) pitches to friendly expertise video models. The typical bombastic text usually encountered when you click on a new MLM website has been bound up and sealed away in some ebook yet to be purchased. Instead, an automated flash player video greets me promising a better way to boost my business. Nearly a dozen sites now market free videos that introduce human testimonials and products that, in a uncanny way, remind me of youtube home entertainment.

3 years ago ,I started my own home business because I was interested in entrepreneurship, I wanted to supplement my primary income, I loved the product, I was excited by the comfort of working from home, I have a knack for networking. The video system has recently seemed more user friendly and entertaining than reading website text. However, I have quickly found out that free videos differ in two ways.

The video model always promises to be a free teaching tool, but rarely does it hold up. Among Mike Dillard, the Spiderweb System, and other video producing marketers, only the Spiderweb System actually functions as a free system that caters to the user specifically. Dillard’s model adds up to being a seven day, seven video commercial that attempts(poorly) to downplay its ultimate goal of selling me an ebook. How disappointing. My time wasted watching all seven videos was time wasted watching an infomercial.(Could have done that at two in the morning instead.) When I finished one video I had to excruciatingly wait until the next day when I was given “access” to view the next, which happened to be (unsurprisingly and disconcertingly) precariously similar to the video I had watched the day before. Fishy business in my opinion. Although the medium has changed from tag lines: “FREE FREE FREE**” to “introduction videos,” Dillard’s aim (like the rest of the MLMs) functions ultimately to sell a silly ebook that gets me no where in the marketing world.

With such an experience, you can imagine my skepticism when I tried the new SpiderWeb System videos. I wanted to know if this new medium of MLM could hold it promise and implement well into my business. Hosted by the founder of The SpiderWeb System himself, Kimball Roundy, the videos are straightforward and aren’t trying to sell me any ebook full of “secrets” at the end. Instead of talking to me about his product, Kimball had set everything in place for me to begin making passive income during the first five minutes of the first video and willing taught me how to boost my business right then and there (which sold me on his way of doing MLM). I didn’t have to go back and re read anything. Instead I was setting up my new business strategies right then, during the video time. (Talk about a time saver.) The comprehensive and user friendly videos are available in full at any time to me without charge and each walks me through a step-by-step process that got me somewhere immediately. There is no “revolutionary” ebook to buy when the curtains closed, only internet suave and down line girth.

In boosting my home business I tried I made a list of my 100 closest friends and family members, I attended boring company training events, I tried a different Company, then another, then another, I gave away hundreds of dollars worth of Samples and promotional materials but never came across an actual video that could help with any of my efforts. Until the Spider Web System. These videos worked in a completely different way than Dillard’s or any other MLM company has. They actually deliver the product and set in place the way for me to get somewhere in my business, at my convenience (as opposed to the seven day wait). The video model hot in the MLM industry is being used in two ways it seems: on one hand, it functions like a longer, more enticing commercial for an ebook. But on the other hand, and alone in the market, the SpiderWeb System uses videos as their medium for actually teaching and setting up my own business better, free of charge.

This new way of using videos by The SpiderWeb system has allowed me to start gaining multiple streams of income efficiently and effectively. I am excited to start work toward that big dream of Go on my Dream Vacation, Buy my dream house, Enjoy my time and my life my way, Buy my Dream Car, Quit my J.O.B. and be FREE.

To check out the only system in the MLM industry that uses free video tutorials in a real, efficient, and non-commercial way visit only five minutes, and you’ll experience the difference.


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Finally, a TRUE Funded Proposal Prospecting System
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2008, 10:16:11 PM »

I want to take this entry to explain something very important: the funded proposal system. This is an integral building block of The SpiderWeb Marketing System, yet few people truly understand it. For my entry, I want to take an explanation written by the founder and inventor of The SpiderWeb Marketing System, and insert it into my blog. Hopefully it will bring you increased understanding, as it has to me. It’s a little long, but stick with it, as it will explain things very well.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a Revolutionary new Funded Proposal MLM Prospecting system which was developed by Kimball Roundy. It is designed to help Network Marketers in their business building efforts. The System Maximizes the power and reach of the Internet to bring targeted Network Marketing Prospects right to your door who are eager to get signed up with you, and instead of paying to generate or buy these leads, they end up PAYING YOU to become leads. In essence, instead of chasing people for your business, they start chasing and paying you to be considered as a prospect to join you. It is a pretty sweet concept and it works like a charm! IF you have the time to learn it and implement the system. What do you mean by “a Funded Proposal Prospecting System?” The basic (very simplified) idea behind a “Funded Proposal” prospecting system is this:

You use a website or system (as an “affiliate” usually with a specific affiliate referral tracking link) that is set up to generate MLM Targeted Leads by advertising “help” and or “training” that will help the person seeking the help (the LEAD) with generating leads for their primary business.

For example, you find someone searching Google or Yahoo who is looking for “MLM Leads” or “Network Marketing Leads” and show an ad to them that says essentially:

“Quit Wasting Your Time and Money on MLM Leads! Let Me Show you how to Generate your own, and get Paid by Each one of Them Whether or not They Join Your Business!”

If you were spending hundreds of dollars and hours and hours (maybe you are, if so, pay attention) buying and then contacting hundreds of leads, wouldn’t the above idea appeal to you?

So, with this system you are advertising help or training, and in exchange for a free newsletter or basic e-book they give you their contact information (LEAD). This newsletter will usually tell them “WHAT” to do but not show them “HOW” to do it. Then, through reading the free newsletters or e-books or watching the free videos etc they are introduced to some product that they can buy (usually the Full details and step by step training on HOW to do what they just told you to do) and if the person who signed up for the info decides to purchase the product then you as the affiliate who referred them will make a commission. So, essentially what will happen is you, will be looking for a way to grow your business, you will find one of these sites and sign up for the free info (You are someone else’s lead) then you decide you want to get the whole story, buy the product (book, e-book etc.) and the person who referred you makes $20 or $50 or whatever the commission amount for the book sale is.

So, that is how a Funded Proposal is designed to work.

You sign up
Then you Set up the system by following the videos

The system manages all your Marketing for you
You get leads

You generate up to 22 streams of Passive Residual Income before/without ever talking to a single prospect or spending a DIME

You contact and build a relationship with your new, unique to you, real-time Network Marketing Targeted leads
Your business grows bigger, faster than with any other system, period.
Oh, and it is 100% FREE!

With the innovative 22 streams of income that they will generate for you before any product, service book or company is sold, it is THE FIRST TRUE “FUNDED PROPOSAL” where you get paid for your marketing before the lead has ever been contacted by anyone or sold anything!

I know, I have not explained that part, you are just going to have to head over and check it out to find out exactly how it works. Check it all out at


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SpiderWeb Videos Give You Much, Much, More
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2008, 01:16:26 AM »
Videos use in Multi-level marketing has skyrocketed in 2008. MLM websites have shifted their focus from the “FREE! FREE! FREE!*” (glaringly suspicious asterisk) pitches to friendly expertise video models. The typical bombastic text usually encountered when you click on a new MLM website has been bound up and sealed away in some ebook yet to be purchased. Instead, an automated flash player video greets me promising a better way to boost my business. Nearly a dozen sites now market free videos that introduce human testimonials and products that, in a uncanny way, remind me of youtube home entertainment.

I started my own home business because I was interested in entrepreneurship, I wanted to supplement my primary income, I loved the product, I was excited by the comfort of working from home, I have a knack for networking. The video system has recently seemed more user friendly and entertaining than reading website text. However, I have quickly found out that free videos differ in two ways.

The video model always promises to be a free teaching tool, but rarely does it hold up. Among Mike Dillard, the Spiderweb System, and other video producing marketers, only the Spiderweb System actually functions as a free system that caters to the user specifically. Dillard’s model adds up to being a seven day, seven video commercial that attempts(poorly) to downplay its ultimate goal of selling me an ebook. How disappointing. My time wasted watching all seven videos was time wasted watching an infomercial.(Could have done that at two in the morning instead.) When I finished one video I had to excruciatingly wait until the next day when I was given “access” to view the next, which happened to be (unsurprisingly and disconcertingly) precariously similar to the video I had watched the day before. Fishy business in my opinion. Although the medium has changed from tag lines: “FREE FREE FREE**” to “introduction videos,” Dillard’s aim (like the rest of the MLMs) functions ultimately to sell a silly ebook that gets me no where in the marketing world.

With such an experience, you can imagine my skepticism when I tried the new SpiderWeb System videos. I wanted to know if this new medium of MLM could hold it promise and implement well into my business. Hosted by the founder of The SpiderWeb System himself, Kimball Roundy, the videos are straightforward and aren’t trying to sell me any ebook full of “secrets” at the end. Instead of talking to me about his product, Kimball had set everything in place for me to begin making passive income during the first five minutes of the first video and willing taught me how to boost my business right then and there (which sold me on his way of doing MLM). I didn’t have to go back and re read anything. Instead I was setting up my new business strategies right then, during the video time. (Talk about a time saver.) The comprehensive and user friendly videos are available in full at any time to me without charge and each walks me through a step-by-step process that got me somewhere immediately. There is no “revolutionary” ebook to buy when the curtains closed, only internet suave and down line girth.

In boosting my home business I tried I made a list of my 100 closest friends and family members, I attended boring company training events, I tried a different Company, then another, then another, I gave away hundreds of dollars worth of Samples and promotional materials but never came across an actual video that could help with any of my efforts. Until the Spider Web System. These videos worked in a completely different way than Dillard’s or any other MLM company has. They actually deliver the product and set in place the way for me to get somewhere in my business, at my convenience (as opposed to the seven day wait). The video model hot in the MLM industry is being used in two ways it seems: on one hand, it functions like a longer, more enticing commercial for an ebook. But on the other hand, and alone in the market, the SpiderWeb System uses videos as their medium for actually teaching and setting up my own business better, free of charge.

This new way of using videos by The SpiderWeb system has allowed me to start gaining multiple streams of income efficiently and effectively. I am excited to start work toward that big dream of Go on my Dream Vacation, Buy my dream house, Enjoy my time and my life my way, Buy my Dream Car, Quit my J.O.B. and be FREE.

To check out the only system in the MLM industry that uses free video tutorials in a real, efficient, and non-commercial way visit only five minutes, and you’ll experience the difference.


  • Guest
Re: Marketing Help, legit vs scam, and Free programs to look for
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2008, 10:40:59 PM »

Damien Parsons back again, writing to you from beautiful Corner Brook, Newfoundland, with some thoughts about a couple of great systems out there. I’ll cut to the chase. Magnetic Sponsoring is a good, well-established program. But the Spider Web Marketing System is better. Better as in, easier to set up, takes less time to maintain, and most importantly, makes more money.

There are so many different Internet systems out there that make all sorts of claims. Before getting into the SpiderWeb Marketing System, I also investigated Power Prospecting System.

I heard good things about Magnetic Sponsoring. Founded by Mike Dillard, it is a useful program, and you can really learn a great deal from it. Indeed, the SpiderWeb Marketing System is built around the same type of funded proposal system that Magnetic Sponsoring is built on.

But, there are some significant differences that are quite obvious. The first is cost. The main thing that Magnetic Sponsoring is selling is Mike Dillard’s business book, that goes into great detail and helps you understand the funded proposal system, and gives you guidance and a good starting point to begin to establish the system that will bring in profit.

Compare that with The SpiderWeb Marketing System, which offers a free system that will do just about everything for you and get you set up with ease, to make money almost immediately. While it doesn’t offer the in-depth text that Magnetic Sponsoring does, it actually gives you the vehicle to make money, and sets itself up for you, while also including 22 training videos (and counting).

The second difference to look at is the source of income. As is evident from their introductory video, the primary source of income in Magnetic Sponsoring is from the prospect of leads that it generates. Once you’ve studied the book and learned how to implement the things taught in it, you can create a system that will bring in people that you can develop good relationship with and eventually pitch your primary business too. The SpiderWeb Marketing System is designed to increase your income as soon as you get set up. You can begin making money in less than an hour.

Magnetic Sponsoring has one source of income. The SpiderWeb System has 22. Granted, that one primary source from Magnetic Sponsoring can be very substantial, but if its not successful, you could be left high and dry. Contrast that to the 22 sources of income offered by The SpiderWeb Marketing System. Some may fluctuate, but with 22 streams of income, you are sure to have a significant positive flow that is consistent.

I’m not going to tell you that Magnetic Sponsoring is a bad program, but I will tell you that the SpiderWeb Marketing System is an amazing program that offers so much more than any other system. I’ve already been in the program for a good time, and after being in this industry for 3 years, I can tell you a good program when I see one. Let me reiterate one important point: Its totally 100% free.

Take it from me - SpiderWeb Marketing is a safe venture, designed to incorporate the successes with many new innovative money-making strategies.

There are thousands who would agree.

Thanks so much. For more information, visit


  • Guest
Are you Already Running A Home Business? or starting? Then you need This!
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2008, 11:46:21 PM »

This means that every month hundreds of YOUR ALREADY EARNED, rightfully deserved Dollars are disappearing into this same tax toilet.

Give me just 5 Minutes and I will show you how to leverage the LEGAL Tax Benefits of ANY Home Based Business to increase your after tax, take home income by as much as $200-$800 or more PER MONTH before you ever generate a single lead, sell a single product or recruit a single new associate into your business.

        With your membership to Business Tax Advantage you will get all of the Tools, Training and Support needed to take advantage of all of the tax benefits available to all Home Business Owners. Simply, by following an easy to understand step by step process for just a few minutes each day and you will be able to take advantage of all of the following tax deductions and many more:

    8)Business use of your car or truck
By leveraging just this one deduction you could be able to increase your monthly take home income by hundreds per month! You will want to leverage this deduction, at the very least!
    8)Marketing tools and office supplies
Pretty much every thing you need to run your home office to properly build your business is now tax deductible.
     :oPortions of your rent, mortgage, home-maintenance and repairs
Write off the portion of your home that is regularly used for business purposes.
    8)Write off a portion of your utilities
A portion of your gas, electric, water, sewer, garbage and other utilities can be a tax deductible business expense.
    :oHire your kids to work in your business
Don't pay your children an allowance - Teach them while they are young the value of hard work and the benefits of owning a home based business. If you hire them to work for you, you can deduct what you pay them as a business expense. The best part is if they are under 18, some or all of the income they receive is non-taxable so they get to keep everything they earn.
    :DMobile phones, office phone and internet service
Write off the business use portion of your home and/or mobile phone, as well as your internet service. Or, you could always just get a second line specifically for your business.
    ::)Gifts, meals, recreation and entertainment expenses
Turn your next lunch or dinner at your favorite restaurant, golf game or other sporting event into a tax deductible business expense.
    8)Non-reimbursed medical and health care expenses
Anything your employer does not cover could be covered by your home-based business.
    8)Computers, furniture, furnishings, and other office equipment
Desks, chairs, copy machine, fax machines, laptops, printers are all tax deductible business expenses.
    ???Business travel that may include a family vacation
Go on a business trip and stay a few extra days and relax with your spouse and the rest of the family.
    8)Meetings and conventions
These can be local, out of state, or in another country as long as they are ordinary and necessary for your business.

Plus many more business costs and expense

This is a very short list of the many business deductions available to you when you start and operate a legitimate home-based business with the intent to make profit.

Click Below for a Business Tax Benefits account today


  • Guest
Re: Marketing Help, legit vs scam, and Free programs to look for
« Reply #10 on: September 08, 2008, 12:53:30 PM »

Did you know that in 2005 about 50% of all Americans have tried to own there own home business. 2005 People, this is 2008.

If you continue to read threw my Forum Topic, you will understand a lot more about marketing on the internet.

I have created a website guiding you threw steps to starting a home business. Threw this you will be introduced to several company's which will welcome you as a home business owner. Several important things are required, and with the help I provide, you can easily be recognized by these company's.
Officially having a home business is not difficult, but I will add that owning a website is a huge benefit, with that said when you sign up for my free assistance, you will see an opportunity to setup a website which does cost, but for a small fee. (highly recommend it)
-There is more to owning a website then what meets the eye- you will discover this soon

Start Your Business Here:

(I Do NOT accept Money) so no payments required


  • Guest
Re: Marketing Help, legit vs scam, and Free programs to look for
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2008, 02:27:29 PM »

In addition to getting as many free business opportunity leads as you can use, here is how to also get 14,348,907 free advertisements for your business opportunity.

These advertisements are viewed frequently because the members are spending a lot of time on their member page getting free leads they need! Your advertisement is in front of them as they spend this time online.
You get a free, permanent, advertisement on their member page (control panel) when they join under you. So all the while they are working and getting leads your advertisement is in front of them.

Unlimited, free, business opportunity leads for any business


  • Guest
Re: Marketing Help, legit vs scam, and Free programs to look for
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2008, 09:24:11 PM »

Just so everyone know, I have plenty in my downline, and lots of spill over, so when you join, just get your first 5 and everything will be taken care of.

"Member Area"

Welcome DamienDollars,


Downline Status:

You currently have 168 people in your downline



Because we're using a Forced Matrix, you will receive spillover from your upline even though you did not refer anyone.

5 people in your downline are enough for you to qualify for the 1st level commission. However, you're required to complete your first task to receive this commission.

By doing this, we will be enforcing the Forced Team Support and Forced Referring System so you'll never have to worry that your downline is not doing anything.

If you're trying to promote your business online, the LAST thing you need is to hear that someone else's business is so much better than yours, or how the only way you'll ever make money online is by quitting YOUR business and joining THEIRS.


You can make money online with ANY legitimate business IF you have the right tools and IF you know how to use those tools.

Listen, I'm going to be straight with you. I spent more than a year jumping from program to program, always believing that if I could just find the right one, I could make it work for me.

I never made a DIME and spent thousands of dollars trying ! The hard truth is that I could have made money much sooner with ANY of the programs I joined if I had only known then what I know now.

==========What I Know Now==========

I post to 1,986,873 Active Networkers in our community of Marketers and Opportunist.

How would you like to post to our Level 4 ~ Level 6 Net workers?

In Reality-Networkers, a level 4 ~ level 6 member has a team of over 200+ downlines and is making thousands every month by taking his team to join as many programs as there are on the internet.

If you have a really great program that catches one of our level 4 ~ level 6 member's attention, you can pretty much just sit back and watch the money flow in month after month !

In addition to this awesome safelist, you'll also be given a chance to build your own team of active networkers.

You'll be given access to our Marketing Tutorials, a huge Safelist Directory, a list of Pre-written Headlines/Ads, Ad Trackers, Banners, Teaser Pages, and our famous Step-by-Step Reports showing you exactly what and where to post your ads to build a team of active networkers so you can also earn like a nice passive income every month just like our Level 4 ~ Level 6 members.

So what are you still waiting for ? Sign up below right now for a 14-day free trial and see just how you can achieve Financial Freedom through our community!


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Re: Unlimited, Free, Business opportunity leads for any Business
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2011, 03:53:46 AM »
Business opportunity leads are often people who have no business to be in business. Many times these people might be financially destitute, desperate for money. This type of person could seem as the exactly the person who would benefit form your opportunity but you would be wrong. This is if you come form a place of "need" into a business venture you will not have the type of mindset needed to create success in a business.



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Re: Unlimited, Free, Business opportunity leads for any Business
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2011, 01:11:10 AM »
In order to generate Christian home business opportunity leads you can first consider all the internal resources that you have. Quite a lot of people often feel disappointed when they first start their business since it takes time for business to come in. However, one of the first skills that you should learn once you start your business is how to generate Christian home business opportunity leads. There are several easy ways in which you can generate leads on your own.


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Re: Unlimited, Free, Business opportunity leads for any Business
« Reply #15 on: February 22, 2015, 06:44:44 PM »

In addition to getting as many free business opportunity leads as you can use, here is how to also get 14,348,907 free advertisements for your business opportunity.

These advertisements are viewed frequently because the members are spending a lot of time on their member page getting free leads they need! Your advertisement is in front of them as they spend this time online.
You get a free, permanent, advertisement on their member page (control panel) when they join under you. So all the while they are working and getting leads your advertisement is in front of them.

Unlimited, free, business opportunity leads for any business

Thanks for this post as I forgot all about this here. I joined in this a while ago hope it is still up and running. Will be checking out if so real soon.

Offline sahenry8

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Re: Unlimited, Free, Business opportunity leads for any Business
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2019, 08:12:35 PM »
Hi I liked you on facebook.  Please send the free leads to   Facebook address is

Thank you,
Sheila Henry

Offline Lookchup

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Re: Unlimited, Free, Business opportunity leads for any Business
« Reply #17 on: May 15, 2019, 07:40:50 AM »
 Target the right leads with a variety of filters . Find a Business opportunity lead, home business leads,opportunity seek.

Offline dubaidailytour

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Re: Unlimited, Free, Business opportunity leads for any Business
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2019, 07:04:47 AM »

this time to treat yourself to high quality, wide / outgoing email addresses, and phone numbers looking for targeted opportunities. You can also target potential possibilities on us

1,000 Leads Daily - 3 Day Risk Free Trial

Business Opportunity Leads!


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