Author Topic: Ecdysterone  (Read 1259 times)

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« on: February 21, 2011, 02:08:30 AM »
Arthropods such as spiders and insects, the production of hormones called ecdysteroids oysters are designed to help them in the process of shooting, or shedding of the exoskeleton. One of the most common of these hormones is to ecdysterone. And also produced by some plants as phytoecdysteroid, which will help them defend themselves from insects that can attack. Also known as 20 - 20 - hydroxyecdysone and hydroxyecdysterone beta, and can be relatively easily isolated from plants, particularly vaga Cyanotis. Extract used for the production of Annex known for his ability to build muscle and reduce fat.Ecdysterone popular among some bodybuilders because of the potential positive effects on fitness rights. Being promoted in some cases, as have the ability to give people some power relative to the same insect and. It is used to help supplement the overall increase lean muscle mass, especially when coupled with a high protein diet, as it is believed that the improvement of protein synthesis. As is known to reduce body fat with the use of extract, and is believed to be due to its effect on metabolism. Supplements can be used as an alternative to doping, and is believed to be more effective and or in helping to create more muscle, and sculpted body.

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