Author Topic: Wakeboarding is the # 1 extreme sport. It's time to try it!  (Read 468 times)

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Wakeboarding is the # 1 extreme sport. It's time to try it!
« on: March 19, 2021, 03:26:06 PM »
Wakeboarding is the # 1 extreme sport. It's time to try it!

In our difficult time, in order not to move out of the thread, you need to relieve stress with something. Someone throws themselves out of a plane with a parachute, someone rides a motorcycle, and someone shoots out computer monsters - each, as Elvis Presley said, has his own rock and roll. Skating, wakesurfing, base jumping, skateboarding, snowboarding, skysurfing, mountainboarding, windsurfing, kitesurfing (kitesurfing), rafting, aquabike, street racing, drag racing, extreme diving - what they just came up with to anneal. But, the most fashionable of the extreme sports is wakeboarding. In addition, it is less traumatic than the others (provided you can swim), and the training period is short.

The principle is simple: you are towed by a boat, and you are standing on a short wide board - cool! At a speed of 30-40 km / h, the boat leaves behind a wave that you use as a springboard. When you learn to jump, the coolness will turn into a thrill, and when you perform tricks, the forest and mountains will already dance!

How to choose a board? - said our labor teacher, snapping three fingers of his hands. Gus is interested in a weyboarding board, the lighter it is, the easier it is to ride and perform tricks on it. The weight of the board depends on what it is made of. Most wakeboards are made from the same materials as jet skis. Typically it is polyurethane foam coated on the outside with a fiberglass or graphite composite. The dimensions of the board should correspond to your height and body weight, if you weigh 80 kilograms, the board should be up to 140 centimeters long. A tall and large rider will be uncomfortable on a small board. Generally, the shorter the board, the less stability when starting out of the water and when cornering, so for beginners, a long board is also suitable, which will be easier to learn. The width of the board is generally proportional to the length. The slight buckling will largely determine the "character" of the board. The larger it is, the softer and more stable the landing, the smaller it is, the more dynamic the acceleration and the higher stability on the water surface. Keels are needed on the board in order to give the projectile longitudinal stability when moving on the surface and landing. Without them, the board will spin on its own from side to side. All wakeboards are sold with keels and can be changed on all wakeboards. What for? Large (deep) keels provide better stability of the board when driving in a straight line, smaller keels - faster "reaction" when turning. Deep keels are more suitable for beginners, but they can also be used on rough water. When riding on smooth, calm water, it is best to put on small, maneuverable keels. Traditionally, the board has two keels, one on each side. Recently, boards with four or six keels have appeared, and "built-in" keels (a specially formed bottom) have also appeared. All this made it possible to reduce the size of the keels and, at the same time, find a compromise between stability and maneuverability. It is better to start on beginner and intermediate boards. They are robust, safe and forgiving, and they are inexpensive. A safety vest, or even better a wetsuit, is a mandatory attribute of protection, it is clear even to a hedgehog in the fog. Having previously trained on the shore, you can start training on the water.

Remember the main exercise for a beginner skater - take your hands off the ice? The main exercise for a beginner wakeboarder is the right start. The board is located perpendicular to the halyard, we close our legs at the knees, the handle of the halyard must be held with both hands, circling the bent legs with both hands. Do not try to lower the board into the water, under yourself. When you're ready, pull your knees up to your chest and give the helmsman a start sign: Here we go !. When the boat pulls on the cable and starts pulling you, keep your arms straight and do not try to get up right away - let the boat pull you out of the water by itself. When pulling the halyard, the board should be at 45 degrees in relation to the water, straighten your legs evenly and slowly, after which you need to shift your body weight to the leg that is behind, pull the handle to your stomach and unfold the wake in the direction of travel. that the wakeboard is much more maneuverable than water skis and at first it will strive to slip out from under you or roll somewhere. Body weight should be more concentrated on the hind leg. It may take you a few tries before you get anything done. The main thing is to coordinate your actions and not despair ahead of time.

A few more tips for beginner wakeboarders. To determine the distance between the bindings on the board, you need to jump from a low height and remember the position of your feet upon landing. To determine the stance, ask someone to push you, the one that will be on the ground first and should be placed in front of the board.

The cable version of wakeboarding is for more advanced riders, you should still start with towing behind the boat. When riding on a cable car, jumps are made with the help of artificial obstacles, in the boat version - with the help of a wave from the boat. You should not master jumps and tricks on your own, it is better to turn to an instructor. Recently, wakeboarding clubs and schools have sprung up everywhere. Wakeboarding is very democratic, liberal and affordable. No discrimination and segregation, not to mention xenophobia, pansexuality and promiscuity. This is probably why it is so popular with the cheerful and friendly Dutch people.

Along with the guys, this kind of sport is easily mastered by girls.

Irina Pavlova - two-time wakeboarding champion of Ukraine:
- I envy those who are just discovering this amazing (in every sense) kind of sport. An unforgettable experience awaits you - the first jump, each new trick performed. Once you start wakeboarding, you will not be able to stop, I assure you.
I am grateful to this sport for the fact that it taught me to constantly go to victory and constantly set new and new goals for myself ... Recently I have updated the equipment and the board for the new season - all from the American company Jobe. What attracts me to Jobe is, first of all, the quality and excellent modern design.

It is worth saying that Jobe is one of the world's leading manufacturers of water skis, wakeboarding boards, wetsuits, inflatable towed attractions, safety vests, halyards and numerous accessories for water sports, and in Ukraine these products are readily available, in the best sense of the word. ... Like this.

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« Last Edit: March 21, 2021, 01:22:48 PM by bizbook »

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