Author Topic: Oahu Computer Virus Removal Specialist Writes Tell All Book “My competitors  (Read 692 times)

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Oahu Computer Virus Removal Specialist Writes Tell All Book

“My competitors are REALLY pissed at me right now for releasing these computer maintenance and virus removal secrets to the public.”, said Rick Kirkham in home computer tutor and virus removal specialist located in Honolulu Hawaii covering all of Oahu.

Q. Let’s get right to it. What did you do to get your computer repair technician associates upset with you?

RK. I wrote an ebook with links to software we, as professionals use to maintain computers and remove computer viruses. This includes Windows PCs and Apple computers so nobody in my field is real happy with me.

Q. Most people have antivirus software. Why is there a need to do anything else?

RK. Antivirus software is almost useless nowadays. There’s still a need for it to keep out the more traditional Windows and Apple computer viruses, but today’s malicious software disguises itself as a normal application and fools the antivirus software potentially stealing your identity.

Q. Surely the antivirus software we all pay for maintains our computers and keeps them running fast?

RK. Shaking his head no Mr. Kirkham stated, “That is simply not the job of antivirus software. It looks for a certain pattern that indicates an application is a virus and that’s basically all it does.

Q. Still the software must be expensive since it’s used by professional computer technicians. What’s the big deal?

RK. That’s the thing of it. Most of the software we use is free! It’s need for and the use of the software and even the order that we use the software in that’s the big secret.

Q. So how do we keep our computers from breaking down or even just slowing down?

RK. My ebook covers all of that step by step. From basic computer tips and device use all the way to keeping your computer, tablet and cell phone running fast, efficient and virus free. I even use the full power of multimedia and include links to videos I’ve created myself. These videos help with skills the average person needs these days and brings them to my readers in an efficient and fun manner. 

Q. So if your instructions and software you explain in your ebook keeps our computers and devices running fast, does it also increase the life the our devices?

RK. Yes it does! By by removing tracking cookies and temporary internet files, computers run more efficiently. This means less wear and tear on the computer.

Q. Still though, you're a computer expert. I only understand English. so how can I understand your instructions in your book?

RK.  I'm actually one of the very few people in my field that's also a trained, dual certified teacher. I've been tutoring senior citizens and small business people in the use of computers since 2009. Phrases that I use for the very end computer user such as X to exit and right mouse click for a menu left mouse click for an action are throughout my ebook. My ebook is written in plain English not geekenese.

Q. I'm still not convinced of the need for your ebook or software. After all if it's not broke, why fix it?

RK.  That makes as much sense as waiting for your transmission to drop out of your car before deciding to get it serviced.  After I’ve finished professionally cleaning my in-home computer clients’ computers, I often hear them say they feel like they have a new computer because it's so fast. In the case of computers, fast means efficient and less wear and tear on the computer.

Q. That last comment I can relate to. How can Oahu residents contact you and how can the world get your very unique, helpful computer ebook?

RK. Kindle users can click here to get my computer help ebook. The pdf version will work on all devices from computers to cell phone. everyone may now click here to purchase and download my ebook.

Honolulu Hawaii and all of Oahu call or text me at 224.1870

Q. Mr Kirkham thank you for your time. I'm sure that you have a lot of in home computer clients and small business clients  to tutor and help with their computers tablets and cell phones.

RK. It's been my pleasure thank you for your time.  by the way, my friends call me Rick.

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