Author Topic: Explore 5 awesome SEO-friendly Magento 2 extensions now!  (Read 630 times)

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anna blank

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Explore 5 awesome SEO-friendly Magento 2 extensions now!
« on: May 09, 2018, 11:52:55 PM »
In spite of the fact that Magento 2 is itself an SEO-friendly open source, there are still some parts you can improve for better SEO efficiency by which your beloved online stores can gain competitive advantages over other sites and generate the higher traffic. Today's post highlight is top 5 awesome SEO Magento 2 modules that should never be missed out.
[/size]1. Magento 2 SEO extensions: To begin with, I would like to introduce you a 9-in-1 package to maximize SEO effectiveness on sites with the support of the following features:[/size]Apply[/size] [/size]Canonical URLs Tag[/size] [/size]feature to solve duplicate content issue
[/size]Control how a page should be indexed and served to visitors in search results with the support of[/size] [/size]Robot Meta Tags.
[/size]Generate advanced[/size] [/size]XML Sitemap and HTML Google Sitemap [/size]to improve indexing and crawling of online stores.
[/size]Fix duplicate content concern due to the the multi-store view, using[/size] [/size]Hreflang Tags[/size].
[/size]Navigate the e-commerce sites for better visualization with[/size] Advanced Breadcrumbs[/size].
[/size]Make use of[/size] [/size]Rich Snippets[/size] [/size]feature to enhance SERP display.
[/size]Add bulk meta data for product and category page by[/size] [/size]Meta Tags[/size] [/size]template.
[/size]Include[/size] [/size]Twitter Card and Open Graph[/size] [/size]for social media sharing.
[/size]Get rid of 404 not found error with[/size] [/size]301 SEO Redirect[/size].
[/size]2. Magento 2 Rich Snippets extension: As mentioned above, Rich Snippets feature is used as a bulk-adding information tool to improve the display on SERPs. Particularly:[/size]Add Rich Snippets such as rating, price, availability, or review,... to category and product and pages.
[/size]Show breadcrumbs (navigation path) in the search result to help customers track their locations and promote them to explore more
[/size]Include business information (social links, name, logo, contact, name,etc.) using Rich Snippets feature
[/size]Enable the smaller search input box to appear on SERPs.
[/size]Generate Open Graph as well as Twitter Card to improve social sharing.
[/size]3. Magento 2 Dynamic HTML Sitemap extension: Another Magento 2 SEO-friendly extension to improve user navigation and search engine indexation at the same time. [/size]Auto-generate a sitemap per store view.
[/size]Display listing order to catch customers' eye to certain links.
[/size]Enable admins to associate sitemap with the external links.
[/size]Update changes in store structure as if.
[/size]Improve SEO efficiency on online stores.
[/size]4. Magento 2 XML Sitemap extension: This solution is to increase your crawl by generating and splitting XML sitemap files on your stores. [/size]Create and add all XML sitemap links to your stores.
[/size]Divide Magento 2 XML sitemap into sitemap.xml files with various options: date, category, or manufacture.
[/size]Remove selected links from XML sitemap file with the sort by product ID, category, or product type.
[/size]Set frequency and priority to update XML sitemap.
[/size]Include additional links to XML sitemap.
[/size]5. Magento 2 Meta Tags Template extension: The final SEO module of top 5 is to add bulk meta data (meta titles, meta descriptions, and meta keywords) for product and category page by customizing Meta Tags template from the backend. [/size]Support WYSIWYG editors to customize meta template including meta keywords, meta description, and meta title.
[/size]Allow automatically generate bulk meta data for category pages and product pages of selected scope (website and store view)
[/size]Offer multi-variable options to easily tailor meta tags template
[/size]Prevent conflict among various meta tag templates by setting priority feature.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2018, 11:56:04 PM by anna blank »

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