Author Topic: Healthy Coffee Infused with Ganoderma For Coffee Drinkers!  (Read 4186 times)

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Healthy Coffee Infused with Ganoderma For Coffee Drinkers!
« on: January 01, 2015, 11:24:07 AM »
Doctors are telling their patience’s everyday to stop drinking coffee, because it is not good for them. Coffee is very acidic and dehydrates the body. Did you know that you would have to drink 17 glasses of water (plain H2O) to hydrate your body back again from the effects regular coffee has on your body?
The problem is that as coffee drinkers we are not about to give up our coffee drinking habit. We want our coffee and we are going to get it regardless of what our doctor tells us.

The Only Solution: Find a coffee product that taste like coffee, is coffee, but is really good for you. That is why I want you to try our healthy coffee that is truly good to the last drop. Heck, you could even convert your doctor to trying and liking healthy coffee! 82% of America drinks coffee, while that number is closer to 90% when you factor in the whole world. What would happen if you and I could tap into all those coffee drinkers and get them to drinking healthy coffee? And for only .80 cents a cup!

Healthy Coffee does the following:

•   Hydrates, balances pH level
•   Naturally detoxifies, strengthens and boosts immune system
•   Oxygenates the body and increases brain power, focus & concentration
•   Provides energy and boosts stamina
•   Improves quality of sleep
•   No jitters, no anxiety, no caffeine crash
•   Has only 9 mg of caffeine
•   Ganoderma coffee has a neutral pH between 6.8 and 7.2
•   154 Antioxidants & 200 Phytonutrients

As compared to Regular coffee:

•   Dehydrates & Very Acidic
•   Imbalances pH level making more susceptible to illness and disease
•   Raises Blood Pressure
•   Raises Stress levels in the body (can increase production of stress hormone cortisol in the body)
•   Can become addictive causes coffee jitters, withdrawal symptoms and caffeine crash
•   Has approximately 135 mg of caffeine
•   Most coffee has a acidic pH of 5.5
•   It takes 17 glasses of water to neutralize the negative effects of just 1 cup of coffee

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