Author Topic: The Real Truth About Online Businesses  (Read 908 times)

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The Real Truth About Online Businesses
« on: July 29, 2013, 09:43:20 PM »
Many online programs that require large start of cost in the hundreds and even the thousands do not produce any immediate income for anyone like all the advertised ads claim.

Most people promoting an online business don’t tell the truth about how to make these online businesses work to make real money.

For the folks that are having massive success making huge incomes, the secret is they do not and will not tell you their secret in what they are doing to make the business produce income.
They will give you the basics in marketing such as advertise and get leads but they will not tell what they are really doing to make so much money.

They want you to believe it is so easy to succeed so that you will join under them.
Most online business programs require you to also pay monthly website fees and admin fees even before you make a dime which is just ridiculous.

Also all online business programs are not created equal. And there are many risk involved.
Such as:

The risk of not making a dime after paying money to get started and also having to pay tons of monthly fees.

Not having proper training from suppose to be sponsors that you pay your money to get started.

Not really knowing the best way that get result to market your business.

Dealing with complicated upline downline, mlm, sponsoring kind of stuff.

So many of these online businesses make it difficult for the average person to get started because most people do not have $2,000 to $5,000 lying around to start a business.
It is such a challenge for most people these days to find an affordable business that will lower the risk in getting started.

Risk is the concern that people have when starting a business. The chances of success in making profits is a great concern, especially if they do not have the spare money to start a business in the first place.

It is very unfair that all these online businesses set the price so high for the average wage earner who is already just making very little wages on their jobs and can’t find extra money to start a business.
Why not make it fair for everyone, not just for the people who have the resources and can find thousands of dollars to start a business.

Almost everyone wants to make more money and we all know that a business of some kind will help generate money.

But everyone does not have thousands of dollars to risk in giving away to these online business program.
Let’s face the truth, most of the money paid into online businesses goes directly to a sponsor and that person really has no interest in helping you succeed in making money.

They just receive your money and disappear, they are just too busy making a lot of money for themselves that they don’t care to have time to help you have the same success.

Truth is you may never get assistance in your new business after you give over your big investment to the sponsor. Also after you pay such a high getting started fee you also have to pay a ton of monthly fees and other hidden monthly fees that they don’t tell you in the advertisement about the business.

Most people are new and need 1 on 1 training so that they can understand what to do.

Most of those programs require a sponsor, but unfortunately most sponsors do not assist their down lines with training issues.

Most sponsors only are concerned about making money and they don't really care to assist new people to have success making money.

That is what I have encountered over and over again with many different sponsorship programs for over 20 years and have spent tons of money.

So I decided not to invest in large ticket programs because they are not created equal for the average person will little income looking to start a business.

Instead I took a totally different approach and decided to go with a much simpler hassle free program that was low in cost, with no monthly fees, no sponsoring, no mlm, and to my surprise I started making money a few weeks after I started promoting my website.

The $4 Business is hands free, the easiest that I have done, I just love how simple this program is that I wanted to share the link with anyone who is also fed up with paying tons of money to sponsors and not make a dime.

This program does not require any monthly fees and you do not need tons of training to understand what to do. This really makes money for anyone.

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