Author Topic: Project Payday Review Scam or a Great Biz Opp?  (Read 6364 times)

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Offline Charles & Susan

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Project Payday Review Scam or a Great Biz Opp?
« on: August 07, 2008, 06:26:41 PM »
Hi everyone,

We see this Project Payday program a lot.
What is it exactly and does anybody have any info
on the company?

It seems as if it is a program where you are paid to
complete trial offers.

We may be wrong.
If you are a member please share your thoughts with

Charles & Susan
« Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 06:34:51 PM by Admin »

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Re: Project Payday Review Scam or a Great Biz Opp?
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2008, 08:19:27 PM »
Hi Charles & Susan & Everybody else!

I did Project Payday at the end of last year. And yes, it is a program where you are taught to make money and/or earn products and services by completing "free" offers online. But of course, nothing is really free! Project Payday makes money (good money, I think) on the front end by charging you a fee to learn how to work this niche. Wish I had thought of it first!

I'm sure you've all seen those advertisements to sign up for this or that service for a free (or almost free) limited time offer like Video Professor, Columbia House Music or (just pay shipping and handling). The list of companies doing this is a long one. Well, someone had the idea to create a web site where you choose the "gift" you want in exchange for getting a certain number of sign ups onto the web site. The people you sign up must complete offers under you so that you can "go green" and get paid. There is a very active subculture of "offer marketers" who look for newbies to sign up for offers so they can meet these quotas on their chosen web site.

Here's the rub (or should I say, "here are the rubs"):

1.  most of the time you have to pay to sign up for the "free" offers
2.  you must have a credit card for most of the offers
3.  you absolutely must stay on top of any cancellations (or you will end up with products and services and monthly fees you really don't want, spending vastly more money than you are able to bring in)
4.  you will run out of free and almost free offers rather quickly on these sites (you are only allowed to sign up for one sign at a time. they are very strict about this)

Someone else can probably explain how this works much better than I. But this gives you a general idea. It is possible to make money and get a lot of neat stuff but you'd better stay on top of the game!

Thanks for reading.

Bye for now.



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Re: Project Payday Review Scam or a Great Biz Opp?
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2008, 07:08:21 PM »
Again, I was a member here too. Most of the offers are American, I am Canadian. I cancelled  pretty much right away and still have not seen my " money back guarantee".  I was told it would take 3 to 4 business days for the refund to be credited, it has now been 5. So, if you are Canadian, I would NOT recommend it. Not much to choose from.


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Re: Project Payday Review Scam or a Great Biz Opp?
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2008, 12:22:50 AM »
Pam here - I don't post often I'm afraid.  I spend all my time at the computer advertising or learning new things about this Internet Marketing.  I love the Forums - wish I could just sit and read everything.

Anyway I wouldn't say Project Payday is a scam.  I tried it so I've seen their Forum.  It has a huge membership and some very active successful members.  And I must say, very helpful members - you just have to post a question on the Forum and 6 or 7 members reply and offer to train you and want you to join their team.  Now I realize that this would benefit them if you end up being successful but as you all know, you don't always get such nice and responsive answers even if it is a two sided coin.  I totally admire the successful people in this opportunity because I spent many hours studying it and trying to make it work for me.  I must say of the many things I've tried to make money on, this was the very most frustrating experience.  I remember being almost in tears one night - I'd spent hours that day studying, reading the Forum, all excited and believing that this was going to be my way to make some money.  Organicmlm above described this opp perfectly.  You have to join offers - the ones that only cost a little bit of money (free trial for $1.95) give  you the least credits.  (You join enough product sites to earn money by having a certain of credits.)  So you either have to join a few sites to build up credits or you join less but pay more).  An example, you subscribe to a book club for free.  You have to order 5 books (just an example) - then the shipping costs $16.95.  Then as Organicmlm explained - be careful, you've now subscribed to this book club so you're going to be paying a monthly fee.  You would cancel before the month is up of course if you weren't interested.  I hate being that organized and I'd hate always having to cancel things.  I just had one frustration after another - I'd pick one and my credit card wouldn't work for some reason.  Anyway my instincts just rang out that this wasn't for me.

Someone on the site explained that you don't really start making money until the second level.  Well I do think you would spend a lot of time (days/weeks??) before getting to Level 2.  Anyway I'm not knocking this opp - what is one person's cup of tea is another's person's poison. 

Anyway great Forum.  I'll try to get back and post a little more often.  Have a great weekend everyone.

Pamela H

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