Author Topic: Sirolimus  (Read 1844 times)

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« on: April 05, 2011, 03:51:41 AM »
Sirolimus is an immunosuppressive drug that is prescribed for the person who receives an organ donor in the process of planting the device. Also known as rapamycin, the drug is a derivative of the bacterial species called Streptomyces hygroscopicus. Are often used Sirolimus for the Prevention of organ rejection in people who have undergone a kidney transplant. It is often used in preference to the immunosuppressant drugs other because it has a lower risk of kidney toxicity after use.An immunity in the long term is a drug that suppresses the immune system. These drugs are prescribed for the person who receives the organ donors to ensure that his or her immune system not to mount an attack that could destroy the device. The immune system attacks the donor due to differences in the cells of the donor compared with recipient cells. Sirolimus works by preventing the immune response to cytokine called interleukin-2. Cytokines and molecules that act as chemical signals, and provide guidance to the cells of the immune system. Interleukin - 2 is a cytokine vital and indispensable in activating T lymphocytes and B, both of which can contribute to the immune system that destroys the side effects response.Possible of sirolimus common include, stomach and back pain, stomach upset, diarrhea, constipation; vomiting; increase weight; swollen ankles, hands, legs or feet, difficulty sleeping, fever, and rash. These symptoms are usually temporary but can be longer. Those who experience these symptoms are discussed with a doctor to him or her. Symptoms include severe unexplained bruising or bleeding, difficulty in breathing, coughing, frequent urination, and vision disturbances, and heart rate is unusually slow, or changes in mood. Should any one person or more of these symptoms with your doctor to talk to him or her as soon as possible.

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