Author Topic: Home Remedies for Constipation in Babies  (Read 1736 times)

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Home Remedies for Constipation in Babies
« on: March 28, 2011, 07:58:54 AM »
Baby constipation is a common concern among parents, pediatricians working conditions in general. Baby Constipation refers to a more consistent than the frequency of flights. Many babies are breast-feeding is to pass stool after each bowel movement frequency of 1 ~ age 2 months to start the precipitation. Baby constipation is seldom seems to be painful to pass, has been marked by hard stool. They are pruned to provide the juice diluted with water, baby constipation if they have been treated concerned.A typical new parents, but we recommend that you call the pediatrician to help you To relieve constipation at home, you may be able. This is a viable option in a baby older than six weeks. One-ounce bottle filled with water and one ounce of the juice to organize, you can give your baby twice a day. Prune juice is not a substitute for, in addition to regular breast fed or formula should be given. It may not seem the mouth, you must not underestimate the juice and sugar, you are not. Most babies are natural reflex to suck as a denial of your baby prune juice juice.If capture a portion of what is within 6 weeks of age, get the baby to stimulate the bowel or sometimes rectal temperature , does not seem to be reacting to juice. If you do not get familiar with rectal temperature, try it out until the baby's doctor or nurse that you do not show. Also, if your baby is higher than normal temperatures, please consult your doctor. Also, you can try to stimulate the softening glycerin suppository, please check with the pharmacist about using a particular brand. I never use a laxative for babies.

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