Author Topic: Steps on How to Conceive a Child  (Read 1045 times)

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Steps on How to Conceive a Child
« on: January 07, 2011, 08:03:34 PM »
So you want to have a baby, but you seem to be getting out of luck? Well, worry no more because here are some useful steps on how to conceive a child.

1. Take care of your body by eating nutritious, healthy diet, drink plenty of water and take vitamins. A healthy body is ideal to conceive a baby. In fact, your body is designed to carry more fat for pregnancy, so if you have low fat, or if you are very thin, you may experience difficulties in conceiving a child. Consequently, it is necessary to increase the healthy fat by maintaining a healthy diet. In addition, use a good vitamin supplement. Some vitamins are especially important - folic acid, for example, will protect your unborn baby from anencephaly and neural tube defects.
2. Maintaining a regular menstrual cycle. If your period regularly, you will experience difficulties in conceiving a child. Regular menstrual cycle is a sign of good health for women. Nevertheless, you can adjust the period of monitoring your weight. If you're obese, it is necessary to shed some of the fat, and if you are too thin, you need to get some weight. You also have to reduce your sport or exercise. During the exercise can lead to loss of time.
3. Calculate the days when you are most fertile, to help you target the best time for conception. A good rule of thumb is to monitor the number of days when you are having normal periods and then subtract fourteen days. After that come the day when you are likely to ovulate. For example, if your menstrual cycle is always twenty-seven days, you should assume that your ovulation will be on the thirteenth day. If your menstrual cycle ranging from thirty to thirty-five days, you can expect your ovulation will take place somewhere between the sixteenth day and the twenty-first day. Remember that the number of days from the first day of menstruation. Gender selection is based on mating combination of chromosomes.

4. There is a change in lifestyle. Well, your chances of getting pregnant is obviously diminished if you have the habit of smoking and drinking lots of coffee. Caffeine, for example, is known to reduce fertility rates in men and women. Smoking can also reduce fertility by as much as forty percent. Thus, it is ideal for you to stop these bad habits.

There is, of course, much more than this if you want to conceive a child, but I hope you got something useful from this article!

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