Author Topic: Abreva  (Read 1963 times)

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« on: April 05, 2011, 03:40:38 AM »
Abreva ® cream is a prescription topical treatment for cold sores are designed on the lips and face. The active ingredient in Abreva ® is docosanol, has been proven in clinical trials to be effective in reducing the severity of symptoms, shorten the healing time of cold sores are active. This medicine is available in most pharmacies and supermarkets, and comes in 0.7 ounce (ounce) (2 g) and the tubes pumping application. Individual experiences intermittent cold sores or recurrent should talk with your doctor to him or her to determine whether Abreva ® is the appropriate treatment option.Cold open sores are lesions that appear on the lips or in the corners of the mouth of a person with herpes simplex virus type one. Sores usually develop over a day or two, causing in the first sense a slight tingling and eventually erupt into blisters small red and white. Without treatment, the sores tend to last for 1-2 weeks. The use of antiviral drugs such as Abreva ® can help reduce the severity of pain and a tingling sensation and enhance the speed of drying and healing of open sores. The results of clinical trials indicate that the application of Abreva ® consistently throughout the course of an outbreak and can shorten recovery time by 1-2 days.Abreva ® is intended to be applied several times a day for as long as symptoms persist. Doctors recommend that a person starts apply the cream at the first signs of outbreak, when the skin begins to turn red and twitching. It should be the person with the outbreak of the latest Do not share medicine with others, including the potential that the herpes virus is highly contagious to spread the rod individual tip.An must talk with the doctor in him or her or pharmacist before use of antivirals for cold sores to make sure it is the best treatment option. The drug is not intended for use by children under the age of 12 years, and has not been thoroughly investigated for use when pregnant or with other drugs. It is important to remember that antiretroviral drugs can not cure herpes, and it is likely that the person who will be facing a cold sore outbreak of the disease in the future.

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