Author Topic: Difference of gastric influenza and food poisoning  (Read 2052 times)

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Difference of gastric influenza and food poisoning
« on: March 15, 2011, 08:40:53 AM »
To define the distinction between so-called "stomach flu" food poisoning and is not primarily to term gastric flu really an accurate description is in fact a little hard. Both cases symptoms are very and similar conditions are often without medical intervention to run courses, so treatment. If symptoms persist more than 24 hours, or go to extremes and must seek medical help. Is known as food poisoning, illness, and solid food because food is harmful, such as bacteria, to pollute and viruses, or toxins. After eating it can be the result of poor sanitation or improper food handling, 24 hours, depending on the agent poisoning symptoms between the two can manifest itself. Will appear first, continues to cause headache, fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhea. Signature keys have been caused by gastrointestinal food poisoning the same food, and presence of other people became ill. For example, if you cook family meals at home, and no one became ill, food poisoning is likely. A little tricky when people eat in the restaurant and food poisoning can have several symptoms occur hours to take the narrow down the can. For example, dinner after two hours of the disease, restaurant people to get dinner on the cause might be; might it all has been lunch, fruit. Because it attacks the respiratory flu is caused by the influenza virus ' stomach flu flu really isn't everything. Should more appropriately known as stomach flu gastroenteritis. It has symptoms very similar to the stimulation and above caused by viral infection of the gut: nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, fatigue, chills. On being exposed to the virus via gastroenteritis consume contaminated food and poor hygiene can occur. As can think as a special subset of stomach flu food poisoning and is the most common vector food gastroenteritis.

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Re: Difference of gastric influenza and food poisoning
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2012, 04:06:09 AM »
The amounts present in the stems which are normally cooked are relatively harmless to humans, but the higher concentration in the leaves makes them very dangerous to eat. A toxin is a poisonous substance that may be produced by the metabolism of a plant or animal, especially certain bacteria. Toxic food poisoning is mainly caused by Staphylococci in the UK and more rarely in this country, Clostridium Botulinum.

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