Author Topic: Superhydration  (Read 1504 times)

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« on: February 12, 2011, 04:35:51 AM »
Super hydration is to drink plenty of water each day, creating a condition where the body is actually superhydrated. This concept has a number of followers and supporters who make all sorts of claims about its effectiveness. It also has some opponents have expressed concern about how well it works and whether it could be dangerous. You can consult your doctor for medical advice before embarking yourself.There super hydration are two approaches for super-hydration. One approach is simply to drink plenty of water each day, the exact amount varies depending on the promoter, but it may exceed one gallon (about four liters) of water per day. Other supporters say that water should also be extremely cold, preferably cold, for benefit felt.Fans super hydration means that it can promote weight loss while making digestion more efficient.Super hydration is also supposed to help the body express toxins, acts mainly as a solvent for fats and a number of potentially dangerous and hunting of the body. Many dieters use super hydration or any other form of it as a tool to cope with cravings. People who are promoting the consumption of ice water believe that the body expends calories by exchanging heat than cold water slowly warms the body and thus promote further weight loss.

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