Author Topic: Why The Heaven Should I Spend $9.95 with The Christian Business Network?!  (Read 1102 times)

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Why The Heaven Should I Spend $9.95 with The Christian Business Network?! by Rick Kirkham

* Traffic solution

* Built in subscribed readers and prospects

* Mall theory of business compared to stand alone business

* Christians supporting fellow Christians

Let’s compare a stand alone website to owning a private brick and mortar storefront people walk into to buy your goods and services.

What Does a Stand Alone Website and a Private Brick and Mortar Business Have in Common?

Traffic problems!

Trying to get people to visit your store or your website. Telling your friends about it. Advertising in the classifieds. Going to social events to promote your business. YOU’RE DOING IT ALL YOURSELF!

Why Do Business Owners Rent Storefront Space in Malls Even if They Have Private Brick and Mortar Stores?,5704.msg5852.html     
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To solve traffic problems! Especially with the 300,000 plus registered readers!

Someone’s (say John) on their way to “search” for a completely unrelated item, John sees your store, he goes into your store and buys something. John likes what he’s bought and tells other people about your mall store. He even returns to make more purchases,

Private brick and mortar often rent a kiosk or smaller space in a mall in order to draw attention to their larger brick and mortar store.

Why Do YOU Need a Board Section in The Christian Business Network?

To solve traffic problems!

Someone’s (say John) on their way to “search” for a completely unrelated item, John sees your board section, he goes into your board section and buys something. John likes what he’s bought and tells other people about your board section. He even returns to make more purchases,

Private website owners often rent a board section in the Christian Business Network to draw attention to their larger private website.

But I Already Have a Website!

You must have missed my note above, but to go into more detail….

GREAT! Then use your board section to drive traffic to your website just like these people did in the pictures below.

I just put her redirect up TODAY! Stephanie has 1,030 redirect to her website! Now you may not get results like this. The Amazon affiliate program has some pretty hot products. By the way, as of writing this Stephanie’s website redirects straight to this forum board section!

Here’s Another Example

This man signed up four months ago! He has 215,540 redirects to his website from visitors of The Christian Business Network Forum who clicked on HIS WEBSITE LINK!

In both these cases that means direct traffic to your website regardless of whether it’s a blog, website or even just an affiliate link!

Do I Have to Have a Website?

Absolutely not! If you want a website, I have used this company for over 20 websites of my own,47.msg47.html#msg47 AND for clients for whom I have designed websites,1612.msg1637.html#msg1637 , but, by utilizing the power of The Christian Business Network Forum, you can be a Board Owner Group Member and drive people straight to your own board section.

I Don’t Have Time to Make All Those Posts My Board Section in The Christian Business Network!

PERFECT! Because I automate postings to your board section in The Christian Business Network Forum for you! Whether they are affiliate links from Amazon or news feeds to create stickiness to your postings

Your prospective buyers can register with The Christian Business Network Forum for FREE   

Log in   

Find your board section and click NOTIFY to be notified by email of threads which your prospects want to follow of the posts, most of which are automatically entered onto your board section while you’re do something else to help your business make money and grow - or youcould be out at the beach surfing.

So, Am I Tied to a Long Term Contract to See If I Can Generate Sales?

Absolutely not!. You can sign up for a year and save a little money or you can just sign up on a month by month basis. On the month by month basis you may cancel anytime.

Well, The Automatic Content and The Traffic to My Website or Board Section Sounds Great! Working With My Fellow Christians is a Definite Plus. What Do I Do?

Great decision!

Register with The Christian Business Network Forum for FREE   

Subscribe to This Service for Your Board Section     

Fill in the secure Paypal subscription by clicking this link. You may use your credit card. Cancel anytime!


Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see this limited time offer!


Fill in the Online form create so I can make your board section for you. You will be directed to this by Paypal.

You're Done!

I’ll send you an email when your board. In the meantime, I’ll approve you so you may begin posting your announcements in any applicable category on The Christian Business Network while I’m setting up your board section with automatic content.


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