Author Topic: Ebooks Software and Services from Advertising to Martial Arts by Sensei J. Richa  (Read 881 times)

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Ebooks Software and Services from Advertising to Martial Arts by Sensei J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.

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Get and Learn to Write Professional Sales Letters to Make More Money by Selling More!by J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.

Send an Email to for FREE Weekly Sales Letter Writing Tips!

Who makes the most sales of their product?
The person with the best product?
The person with the best sales letter?

If you said, the person with the best sales letter sells the most, you just took one step ahead of your competitor!
Now, what have you done about it!?

Professional Sales Letters for:


Email Campaigns

Postal Letters

Aloha fellow business friends,

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How I Write Professional Sales Letters by J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.

How to Write Professional Sales Letters for:


Email Campaigns

Postal Letters

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Sneaky Advertising and Marketing Tricks – Getting Customers with Free Offline Advertising by J. Richard Kirkham

In this book you will discover advertising and marketing tricks I use as a full time, self-employed in home computer tutor and virus removal specialist here in Honolulu Hawaii. Running a full time business on a shoestring advertising budget takes cunning and imagination. Utilizing my 30+ years of sales and public relations experience, I’ve not only increased my business and made money with

these sneaky advertising and marketing tricks, I’ve actually had people stop by and compliment me on my ideas.

Proven Sneaky Advertising and Marketing Tricks


Get FREE Sneaky Advertising and Marketing Tricks by Following SneakyAdTricks on Twitter

I’m Going to Show You

How to Make Low Cost Business Cards That Get Calls  

Increasing Your Calls on Your Business Cards

When To Hand Out Your Business Card

Where to Leave Your Business Cards

All Advertising and Marketing Must….

Acting Like a Big Business

Cheap Ways to Advertise with Your Car

Coffee Shop Advertising – Getting People to Approach YOU!

Internet Access (It’s not what you think)

Sticky Advertising

A Helping Hand

Network Marketing (No it’s not MLM)

Your Attitude Communicating with a Prospect – Ask for Sympathy or a Position of Power

What to Say to Help Seal The Appointment

Yellow Pages Yes or No?

I’m Going to Try to Save Your Life


What Didn’t Work

The Lowest Cost Office Space You’ll EVER Find!

And More…!

I read my own advertising and marketing ebook at least once a week to remind me of free and cheap marketing and advertising ideas.

People miss so many advertising and marketing opportunities. If you miss a chance to advertise or market your product or service you have lost money you will not get back! So, I compiled a list and set of instructions of tested free ways to advertise and market myself and others have used successfully. Even if your business is on line if you’re not using my Sneaky Advertising Tricks offline you’re missing sales. This contains every advertising and marketing trick I’ve ever tried or heard of being tried over a 30 year period!

Hi Rick,
Thanks for your book “Sneaky Advertising and Marketing Tips – Getting Customers with Free Offline Advertising”.
I was surprised [pleasantly] to find this book covers much more than the title implies.
As you read this book you can sense the real life experience behind your work – such a refreshing change from the many rehashed out of date products out there today.
I have been Online marketing since 2000, during that time I have never considered using additional Off Line marketing tactics as described in your book. For several years now I have been building websites for Off Line, bricks and mortar businesses. More recently I have been building a lot more mobile sites for local businesses. I think the business owners I have been dealing with could make excellent use of your book and I won’t hesitate to recommend your book to them.


“I first got to know J. Richard Kirkham when he was teaching Martial Arts, we both had a passion for Martial Arts and Marketing. He has shifted his focus towards helping others with his marketing knowledge and this new book is a great example of his skill at captchering new clients with low or no cost marketing techniques.

Large Advertising firms will tell you that you need to spend money to make money and this is outright Bullshit.  J. Richard Kirkham provides some great marketing insights for small businesses that need to reach new customers without getting a 2nd mortgage on their house.

A lot of big businesses focus on acting like a small business to connect with customers and build relationships, this is a simple but powerful insight that should inspire all small businesses… You probably already have the special component that Big Businesses are chasing, don’t copy them, make the most of being small, friendly and real, that’s what people want, believe it or not you have an advantage over the cold companies that treat people like numbers in a queue.

Grab this new book for some great insights on low or no cost advertising to promote your business”

Aaron J. Perry


Interesting content. I’d recommend this book for those looking for unique ideas. The wisdom that real life shares is definitely valuable. -Toshio Ikene , Martial Arts Instructor

What If…
What if this ebook saves you time in trying advertising and marketing ideas that did not work?

What if one of these advertising and marketing ideas is your break through?

What if two or more of these advertising and marketing ideas makes you money and gets you repeat business?

What if, you never find out…?

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Computer Backups
A Fast and Easy Way to Save Your Digital Photos No Matter What Happens to Your Computer!
If You Change Computers Do You Know How to Get Your Digital Photos?
When (not if) Your Computer Crashes What Happens to Your Important Digital Pictures and Work Files?!

This Unique Method of Preserving Your Precious Moments Cannot Be Found Anywhere Else!
Folks I’ve seen this time and time again as an in home computer teacher. The computer crashes or a new computer is purchased and now you either can’t get or don’t know how to get to your precious digital photos of vacations, children and even grandchildren. Kids are only going to be that age one time and their going to stop doing that cute thing they do way to soon. So here’s what you do to make sure those precious moments are saved….

Kirkham’s Easy Digital Photo and File Saver System Click Here for More Information
Computer Instructions

Computer Help In Home In Office for Honolulu Hawaii AND Online for The World!


My name is J. Richard Kirkham. I’m a dual certified teacher and expert in computers and the internet. I began my self-employment as an in home computer tutor specializing in senior citizens, but I soon began getting calls from businesses and even parents wanting me to catch them up on what their kids were doing online so they could keep their children safer.

Through computer training, my own interests and on the job experience I have developed a huge list of services and even products I’ve used to help people just like you! I’m going to try to list these services and products by popularity, though this may change seasonally.

99% of These Services Are Done in The Convenience of Your Home or Office

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How to Setup Yahoo Email and Attach Digital Photos
How to Setup Yahoo Email and Attach Digital Photos
The Perfect Book for The Grandchild Getting Frustrated with Teaching Grandparents How to Use Email!
Topics Covered Include:
Setting Up Yahoo Email
How to Send an Email
How to Reply to and Email
How to Create a Folder
How to Move an Email
How to Attach a Digtial Photo to an Email
How to Download a Digital Photo From an Email to Your Computer
How to Find a Digital Photo After You Download to Your Computer
How to Print Your Digital Photos

How to Get Setting Up Yahoo Email and Attaching and Downloading Digital Photos by J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc.
Add to Cart for instant download for only $4.95
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You may now get the paperback version of this book

Computer Virus Spyware and Malicious Software Removal

In Home and Office Computer Virus Removal for Honolulu
In Home and Office Computer Virus Removal for Honolulu and The Island of Oahu
I get a lot of calls about in home and in office computer virus removal from victims. Recently I’ve received calls from malicious viruses looking just like virus protections programs.
The computer virus victim gets popups warning that if they don’t purchase the software their computer faces all types of virus attacks. It may not even let you onto the internet or you may only be able to access certain pages online the programmer of the virus gets paid for or attempts to take your money for the order of the fake antivirus software.
Call Me
As a small business computer expert as well as an  in home computer tutor here in Honolulu Hawaii specializing in teaching confused, sometimes even nervous new computers users from the very beginning of taking the computer out of the box to the point where my computer students only call me when they need me, I want my clientele to eventually not need me!
Anyone who wants to be shown how to remove these viruses themselves so they don’t need to call me next time I’m happy to show them. As a dual certified teacher I simply can’t help myself  : )
Most importantly call me as soon as you begin to get suspicious. Don’t wait until the problem gets so big that I may not be able to save your computer.
Call or text me now on my cell
Rick Kirkham
Email Rick @
Remote Computer Spyware and Maintenance Checks

My name is Rick Kirkham.   As an in home computer tutor here in Honolulu Hawaii and a computer virus removal specialist, I’ve seen the near crying faces from those who’ve permanently lost precious photos and had stolen identities from virus and spyware attacks.  The look of pleading in their eyes for me to do what I do best and save their precious memories and work inside their virus and spyware wounded computer is enough to make me break down myself.

J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc. computer virus removal specialist now offering remote services

These attacks on your computer can now come from anywhere on the internet from Facebook to simple websites you find in search engines such as Google.

Treat Your Computer Like Your Car

Almost all of these spyware attacks and even plain old computer crashes can be prevented if you would treat your computer like you would your car.

Do a safety check (once a month not once a year)

Keep your computer tuned up with security updates

Keep your anti-virus software up to date to keep your computer running smoothly

Have your computer checked for spyware so the bad guys cannot break into it and steal you identity.

Have a professional do it to help ensure your cyber safety just like you have a professional look at your car for safety.


I Can Now Offer This Service to You and The Rest of The World!

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Easy Computer Virus Spyware and Malicious Software Removal Kit

Do you have auto insurance?

Do you have health insurance?

Do you have this computer virus removal toolkit?
Rick Kirkham is a computer virus removal specialist and developer of the Virus Removal Toolkit

Up To Date Anti-Virus Software is NOT Enough!
It’s always an up and down battle between hackers and anti-virus software developers with YOU caught in the middle!

This must have computer virus spyware and malicious software removal toolkit with easy to follow instructions is a necessity for anyone owning a personal computer (P.C.).



Computer Viruses and Spyware Will:

Steal your identity!

Record your keystrokes to get your usernames and passwords!

Damages your work files and digital photographs!

Get your credit card information by spoofing a real anti-virus program!

Let more viruses and spyware into your computer!

Do more damage the longer you put off the removal of the infection!


As a Computer Virus, Spyware and Malicious Software Removal Specialist This is What I’ve Seen


* The longing look in the eyes of my computer clients’ praying I can save their precious family photos

* The frustration of the business-person whose work is being destroyed by malicious software

*  The look of invasion in my computer spyware victim’s eyes when I tell him/her to contact his/her credit card company immediately


Computer Repair Places Are Not Malicious Software Removal Specialists!

This is something a computer store does “on the side” to make money. I even had a friend who didn’t want to “bother me” take her computer to a computer repair store who unnecessarily wiped all the information from her computer! The computer virus had hidden all of her pictures and work files. It was the computer repair store that had done the actual damage by making all of her files and digital photographs completely irretrievable!



Big Box Computer Stores Are on a Time Limit

If there was anything like the old sweatshops from the 30′s still in existence today it would be the back room of a big box computer store. The computer technicians are under a great amount of pressure to either fix the computer within a limited amount of time, with at least 10 more computers waiting for each computer technician, or to recommend resetting the computer to manufacturer’s settings thus wiping the hard drive and losing all of your digital photos and work files!



You Need a Computer Virus, Spyware and Malicious Software Removal Specialist Not Just a Computer Repair Person!

That’s what I do. I’m Rick Kirkham. With a computer background since 1995, martial arts background since 1973 and a slight case of ADHD so I don’t give up, I love fighting the bad guys that want to steal from and destroy your computer and complicate your life. And I love defeating them!



Based On My Computer Virus, Spyware and Malicious Software Removal Experience I Put This Toolkit Together!

The computer virus removal toolkit comes fits is easy to carry and inserts into a usb port

It can cost $200.00 or more to remove a computer virus, spyware or malicious software from your P.C.. I put this toolkit together and placed it on a thumb drive (flash drive, usb thumb drive whatever you’re comfortable calling it). Just insert into an open usb port (the thin little slots on your computer) and follow the directions!


The computer virus removal toolkit comes fits is easy to carry and inserts into a usb port


How Much is The Malicious Software, Virus and Spyware Removal Toolkit and How Do I Order?


Malicious Software, Virus and Spyware Removal Toolkit

Will soon sell for

Click Here for More Information


Tutoring and Positive Reinforcement Techniques and Methodology for all Parents and Teachers Printable Ebook by Sensei J. Richard Kirkham B.Sc


 Click Here for More Information,41.0.html

Health and Fitness

How to Exercise Throughout Your Day Printable Ebook by Kirkham

Exercise Throughout Your Day tips and explanations printable ebook for busy people like you who want the energy to play with your children when they ask or you may simply want to enhance your present workout. Written by an expert in alternative teaching methods and physical education
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Affiliate Program Available

Martial Arts

In Home Martial Arts and Realistic Self-Defense Lessons for Honolulu Hawaii and all of Oahu by Dual Certified Teacher Sensei J. Richard Kirkham

Mr. Kirkham began martial arts training in 1973. Due to moves and school closings he has studied several arts. His focus remains on realistic self-defense training while maintaining a safe environment in which martial arts and self-defense students may learn and gain confidence in their abilities to protect themselves or their families against bullies, rapists, burglars and muggers (and the occasional drunk friend).

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