Author Topic: Premenopause  (Read 2305 times)

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« on: March 15, 2011, 02:34:15 AM »
Is called per year during premenopause, menopause stage of life in the women's women's menstrual cycles are completely to stop before the onset of menopause is. Experiencing the symptoms of menopause, to begin the average age for women younger 25 and 70 per year during premenopause signs indicate that the old lady is 45. Length per year during premenopause women women, by vary, but usually from 1 to 6 years followed by. Various symptoms can per year during premenopause, hormone fluctuations and decrease women's cause. Majority of premenopausal women suffers changes in menstrual cycles. Women's estrogen levels decrease over periods cause menstrual cycle short may indicate. However, some women long cycles and less frequent period has begin. Some women will skip periods. She has a period of 12 months continuous period, even though these menstrual changes women menopause really is not.

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Re: Premenopause
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2012, 06:46:57 PM »
Perimenopause, or pre-menopause is a transitional stage of two to ten years before complete cessation of the menstrual period. Its average duration is six years, and can appear in women from 35 to 50 years of age. This has not been a stage of women's lives much talked about, and a woman can find herself experiencing puzzling changes, and not know why. What is actually going on is a gradual decrease of estrogen. The manifestations of perimenopause can vary. Here are some of the most commonly reported ones:


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Re: Premenopause
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2012, 03:32:32 AM »
I am 35 years old, had my left avary removed when I was 19. My periods are coming every 2 weeks now, sometime light , sometimes heavy. I am waking up sweaty at night, put I am cold. Is this pre-menopause? Some one help!!! Mood swings like CRAZY>>>>

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