Author Topic: Antler Velvet  (Read 1977 times)

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Antler Velvet
« on: April 05, 2011, 03:39:05 AM »
Traditionally gathered from the young deer antlers, deer, antler velvet is a compound used in alternative medicine for several centuries. With adherents in countries such as Japan, China, Korea, antler velvet is understood to be an effective tool to address the many different types of physical and emotional issues. Generally available in many health food stores, often sold this material in powder form, or in capsules.Harvesting antler velvet requires approaching deer or elk and the growth of a new place with Kashima. In the early stages, covering the antler emerging thin layer of tissue that warm to the touch and understood to be loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. Gently remove some of this layer of the velvet antlers of young people is a painless process that will lead to new cases of antler or animal. The deer velvet antler in many traditions to be a superior form of health supplement. It is understood the systematic use of antler velvet, which were collected from antelope to help achieve a balance between the hormones within the body. The end result is more physical and mental energy during the day and sleep at night more recuperative. Had recommended antler velvet during periods of great stress, since it can help to calm the nerves and prevent overload.At emotional at the same time, deer antler velvet also gaining the reputation of being at least as strong as the deer variety. Supplement use is described in some cases, an excellent way to boost the immune system, thereby improving the body's ability to recover from a variety of health problems. This could include the recovery of wounds and cuts, and the pain of conditions that preclude such as arthritis, and helps stabilize blood pressure.

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