Author Topic: Roid Rage  (Read 1541 times)

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Roid Rage
« on: February 12, 2011, 12:54:54 AM »
Roid rage that people are very aggressive or large doses on a regular basis, usually after taking hostile behavior is to, steroids, sometimes nicknamed the roids. In recent days, several murders and brutal attacks leading to roid rage, at which one can refer to the person responsible for the crime has been linked to. It has always enough people who take steroids do so willingly is not protected. Roid rage for violent behavior may also have a bit more complex than typically portrayed in the media are taking. When people use steroids, and this practice is dangerous for many reasons, it is essentially extra levels of the hormone testosterone in your body is an evolution. The hormones in early psyche, which later turned negative on the positive effects can be. Steroid use steroids the user can start with the definition of extortion on the right, or not is not very happy. May steroid much larger in the mood and behavioral changes as a result of continued use. People can be more aggressive and more aggressive, or they mental illness schizophrenia, bipolar, and various forms such as deep depression, the symptoms may show. roid rage not only for anabolic steroids use and sudden changes in mood, but also associated with high number of suicides in the general population.

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