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Topics - vedamspa

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In today’s world of speed and constant contest, the rush for perfection can leave you drained, fatigued and stressed.. That is when the body and soul seeks escape, yearns for something that nourishes both the physical and the spiritual. Vedam’s spa is the ultimate repose, the culminating destination for the wearied being. Our spa offerings follow Kerala wellness route, steeped in the tradition of Ayurveda. Each one of our specialists are no less than artists who have years of experience in soothing the tired body and soul. The mystic ambience of the spa enclosure adds to the wellness quotient, making the Vedam experience quite exhilarating.

Everything Else / Destination Marriage in West Bengal
« on: March 10, 2020, 08:03:20 AM »
Weddings are lifetime special events. But with a destination attached to it, it becomes larger than life - a unique adventure!
Vedam Village Spa Resorts is an one of a kind, exotic-one stop location in Eastern India, catering to dramatic needs for making weddings memorable.

Everything Else / Resort Hotel in Kolkata
« on: March 04, 2020, 05:08:24 AM »
What makes us stand out from other stay facilities? Everything. But what is supremely unique to us is an adventurous skywalk in our backyard, amidst a thick mango orchard! The meandering walk fashioned after hanging bridges, gives you an aerial view of the orchard all across. Not only that, we have a waterfall built within the orchard to enrich your experience of the skywalk! Take a stroll on the hanging walk, soak in the natural beauty, and enjoy the cascading waters. What more? You can sip on to hot cup of coffee or tea of your choice right after the stroll, at the bed of the skywalk! And that too in a log hut!

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