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Work At Home Free Classifieds => Post Your Articles Here => Topic started by: rick2323 on April 23, 2018, 09:57:00 PM

Title: 12 questions to ask yourself before starting a business?
Post by: rick2323 on April 23, 2018, 09:57:00 PM

Before starting your online business, there are some serious
questions you need to ask yourself to see if it's really for

"Why do I want my own Internet Marketing Business?"

Before deciding to start a business, think about the qualities
you possess, what makes you tick, and how that might help you be
a more successful business owner.

"What interests, talents, skills and strengths do I have?"

Inventory the abilities you already possess. Then think about
all the ways you can use them to grow your business and help
others grow their business, and also working with partners that
lack your abilities.

"What are my strengths and weaknesses?"

The ability to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses is
invaluable for the business owner. Recognizing what you’re good
at and what you’re not will help you decide how to use your time
and when to outsource to the experts or outside professionals
for help.

"What skills do I need to learn or brush up?"

Recognize which skills you need to develop in order to run your
business most effectively. Identify the ones that are worth
investing time into learning, and which ones you might be better
off finding outside sources to perform.

"Do I enjoy challenges?"

Businesses provide constant challenges. If you enjoy a good
challenge, it will energize you. If you don’t, you may end up
feeling as though you’re engaged in a constant uphill battle.

"Will I be doing work that is meaningful and really interests
and excites me?"

When you’re engaged in doing something rewarding it helps to
motivate you to keep going even when things get tough. Start by
getting back in touch with your values and see if there is a
synergy between them and the things you will be doing in your
business. If not, see how you can spin things so that there is.

"Do I really have a money-making idea?"

Not all great ideas make money. A good business idea addresses a
problem, need or pain that a particular group of people or
companies face. The problem must be significant enough to
warrant spending money to solve or alleviate. Before bringing a
new product or service to market, test your ideas and make sure
they’re profitable.

"Who are my ideal target customers?"

Every business needs customers. Successful businesses know
exactly how to describe who their best customers are, what
“pain” they’re feeling and what they need, want, desire and are
willing to pay for.

"Who is my competition?"

Learn everything you can about the others in your field who
provide similar products or services to the same ideal customer
– direct and indirect competition.

"What do I offer that the competition doesn't?"

What makes your services or product unique above my competitors?
This is your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) – what you’ll use
to make to your prospective customers buy your product or
service instead of buying from your competition. Why should your
customer make you their Marketer of Choice?

"Have I established business goals?"

Setting goals is an important part of any business plan. But
setting a goal is only part of the picture. Achieving goals is
even more important. Learn how to identify which goals are
important enough to commit to, and systematically work towards
them by breaking them down into steps, establishing timelines,
identifying resources needed, and benchmarks for success

"Am I a self-starter?"

When you have your own business, there’s no boss or manager to
tell you what to do and when to do it. To get your business off
and running you’ll have to motivate yourself to get things


Rick Brier (DigiSoft Payline - Sponsor)