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can you recommend a pottery studio?


Hello everyone! I've been interested in trying out pottery and I'm looking for a beginner-friendly class in Los Angeles. Does anyone know a good place where I can start without any long-term commitments?

Good day! If you’re looking to dip your toes into the world of pottery, I highly recommend checking out Pottery Studio 1 located on Beverly Blvd in Los Angeles . They offer a variety of classes that are perfect for beginners, including one-time classes where you can learn basic pottery and hand-building techniques in just a couple of hours. There are no enrollment fees or long-term commitments required, which makes it a great choice for those just exploring this craft. The instructors are very supportive and experienced, helping you unleash your creativity from day one. Plus, you can take your creations home after firing! It’s a fun way to get introduced to pottery in a relaxed and creative environment.


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