
What do you know about phone Cards

they have a low price
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Author Topic: Lowest Phone Card Rates  (Read 2932 times)

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Lowest Phone Card Rates
« on: March 21, 2008, 05:00:53 AM »
Prepaid phone cards are ideal for travel
because making a long distance phone call
from a hotel room, airport or local pay phone
can cost in excess of $1.00 per minute,
and much more if outside of the United States of America.

What About Using My Cell Phone When I Travel?

Cell phones are not always a viable solution
for long distance calls. Some cell phone plans do
not include nationwide long distance or international
long distance. Further, your cell phone may not
be a World Phone (doesn’t support GSM),
and cannot be used outside of the USA.
Even if you have a World Phone, chances are
you’ll pay roaming fees and/or a very large per minute rate.


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