Author Topic: Fluoroscope  (Read 2252 times)

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« on: March 21, 2011, 05:38:45 AM »
Floroskobi is a medical imaging device that provides real-time from within the body with the help of x-rays. The first versions of floroskobi developed in the late 1800s, and used in non-medical applications as Grandma. Today, only use floroskobis for medical settings and work only when a doctor finds that the appropriate use of the device, in order to reduce radiation exposure, equipment consists of an x-ray tube, which emits rays designed body. Image intensifier under the body because the camera picks up x-rays, converts information into visible light, and displays on the screen. Historically, intinsivirs photo wasn't available and used in the dark to see people picture floroskobis. Today, much lower dose, and use a device that allows for medical workers outside the Hall, reducing occupational exposure to x-rays.

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