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Messages - Charles & Susan

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15
Anybody know anything about Home Cash Course by
Mackenzie Lee?

Seems to be getting a lot of attention.

If you are familiar post your comments or
if you have any questions post the also.

Charles & Susan

We read that Florida may go after the top
promoters of this scam Anybody know who
this might be?

Charles & Susan

Hi everyone,

We see this Project Payday program a lot.
What is it exactly and does anybody have any info
on the company?

It seems as if it is a program where you are paid to
complete trial offers.

We may be wrong.
If you are a member please share your thoughts with

Charles & Susan

Spiderweb Marketing System Review

How does this work exactly?

Alright everyone let us hear your experiences with this.
We see it advertised all over the forum so here is your
chance. Is this used to build GDI? Is it a scam or a great

Charles & Susan

Hi Braden,

Thanks for the link. Very interesting read.
Yea, this baby is Toast. Done Deal!
Don't see many cheerleaders for ASD around

Andy Bowdoin looks like he was doing very well
for himself. Two nice homes, one right where we
live at in Myrtle Beach. Small world.

Did you read where it said Mr. Bowdoin spent
over $50,000 in one day on jewelry?

Before this is all said and done there are some folks
who might end up in jail. And not just the owners!

This thing had SCAM written all over it.

Charles & Susan

Thanks everyone for the kind words.
Glad it helped.

Charles & Susan

General Health Discussion and Advertising.

Absolutely no discussion or promotion of prescription drugs.

If you do you will be banned.

Charles & Susan

Hi Braden,

We also joined as a free member but never did purchase any ad packs.
Just like we said in an earlier post the numbers just don't add up.

You are exactly correct when you say:
"Simply view the 24 sites they need to earn their daily"

There are a lot of so called "Gurus" promoting this opp and just what
are they gonna tell the folks they brought in?

We really hope nobody loses any money with this.

Charles & Susan

Hello everyone,

Independent Profit Center has been very good investment for us.
We have earned our initial invest back MANY times over.

We earned 1800.00 in one day recently as you can see here:

If you have any questions just let us know or if you want more info visit:


Charles & Susan

Well it looks as if ASD may have just bit the dust.

Direct quote from their website:

Friday, August 1st 2008 afternoon update:

Upon direction from the U.S. Attorney's Office in the District of Columbia, ASD will not be able to move funds into company accounts, or out of them. We will work to resolve this problem, and return to normal operation, as soon as we are permitted to do so.

ASD Management.

End of quote.

We will have to see how this plays out but when the feds get involved
is not usually a good outcome.
Some people dumped there life savings into this.
We are really glad we were not responsible for promoting this
to our list. :)

Best regards,
Charles & Susan

Hello everyone,

Does anybody have any info on the Free Online Cash System?
How does it work and has anybody managed to get started?

Anyone made any cash with this?

Chime in and let us know.

Charles & Susan

Anybody Heard Of Reviews and Scams? / Fuel Legacy Review Scam or No
« on: July 30, 2008, 07:12:34 PM »
This is a fuel additive from nanotech Fuel Legacy
called eeFuel.
They claim to save you 50 cent to a dollar on gas and
increases mileage and cuts down on emissions.

Only Independent distributors are allowed to sell product.

Do we have anybody involved with this?

Let us hear all about it.

Charles & Susan

Thanks for the info. We will check it out.

Charles & Susan

Hi Chuck,

Sorry for the late reply, kind of busy.
Glad to hear Hamma helped you out.

Thank you for your participation.

Charles & Susan

GeneWize Life Sciences (AKA) Genelink

This is a new company called GeneWize Life Sciences
where you are an independent distributor of DNA products.

It seems they create nutritional products for you based
on your DNA.They have been in business twelve years.

We don't know much about it so add your opinion if you
have one.

Charles & Susan

Hi SpeedySue,

Thank you for your input.
We get emails all the time about rallies they hold
and how much money they are raking in.
It seems to us that they could hire a someone
to handle all the traffic and pay the members in a
timely manner.
We see where support is all but null and
if you do get support it can take weeks.

Time will only tell if this is a scam or a tremendous
opportunity. Our advice is if you must join don't
invest more than you are willing to lose. In other
words don't bet the farm on this.

We hope no one loses any money.

Again, thanks for participating.

Charles & Susan

Hi wealthresource,

Thank you for replying.
Looks as if you have got a nice setup.

Good luck.
Charles & Susan

Hello everyone,

Independent Profit Center continues to amaze us with a
steady stream of cash that pours in from this program.
Just yesterday alone,it made us over 1,200.00.
All this from a one time small investment with no monthly
How's that for being frugal in this economy?

If you are like us and need to see some proof instead of
hot air click the link below and check it yourself.

If you are ready to start making this kind of money join up
with us and get started by visiting the link below.

You will not believe how easy this program is.

If you have any questions we encourage you to contact us.
We don't hide behind a computer or a website. Don't worry,
you won't get any hard sale from us just honest answers to
your questions.

Best regards,
Charles & Susan


Update: You can read our complete review here:

Unselfish Wealth Team - Review Scam or Not?

Hi All,

This program is based on the team principle of Pay It
Forward  Members who join build under new
members into Travelencia Travel Business.

With the help of team training they  claim to put four
paid members under you and proceed to do the same
for the newest members.

Everyone agrees to place free ads on a weekly basis
and contribute five dollars to the team coop so everyone
gets equal exposure.This advertising is aimed at everyone
who does not have their four members.
This all sounds good in theory but in our opinion promotes
lazy affiliates who think they are going to receive something
for nothing.
If they implement some checks and balances though this
may work out good.Maybe. ;)

If you have knowledge or member of Unselfish Wealth team
please leave your comments whether positive or negative.
Just be civil please.

Charles & Susan

Anybody Heard Of Reviews and Scams? / Re: DollarzBlaster
« on: July 18, 2008, 06:41:26 PM »
Hi Jonpor,

Fellow member JudeB posted more info here:

Her review sounds like a scam to us.

Thank you for being a member.

Charles & Susan

This our our review of the Independent Profit Center
program by Dan Miller.

When we first saw IPC we were instantly excited by it.
The site has a clean look and easy to navigate and simple to
set up.

Whats included with IPC:

Products: Over 4,000 dollars worth of ebooks and software all
with resale rights. The products can actually help you if you
use them and not let them set on your hard drive! :)

Website: You receive a replicated website and also a site you
can put on your own hosting. It's your choice. We use both.
Our is located here:

Marketing: IPC comes with 24 pre written autoresponder messages
that are easily integrated with either Aweber or Getresponse. Again, It's your choice.
Video training as well as written instructions are provided.
Following up with your prospects can easily double or triple your profits.
We will not even consider a business opp without some type of follow up.

Pay Processors: You are provided with your choice of Linkpoint, AlertPay,
Safepay, E-Gold or Paypal. We like Choices!

One Time Fee: There are no hidden fees involved with IPC or any monthly
fees. HOORAY!

Affordable:Unlike a lot of other programs that cost an arm and a leg IPC
has a relatively low price point at 200.00 and 49.00 admin fee.
This is a one time fee. 

Payplan:IPC is a direct sales program meaning you are paid directly to
your account immediately. No pass up sales or split payments with your sponsor.

In closing: We have thoroughly enjoyed being involved with Independent Profit Center.
Dan Miller, has always been responsive to our emails, although we have only written
him once.

Needless to say, this has been working great for our new members as well as us. ;D
If you would like to join or just like to have more info visit:

And see the marketing system work for yourselves.

Best regards,
Charles & Susan

This review maybe published elsewhere as long as links remain intact and LIVE.

Hello all,

Anybody heard of this program called Oceanside Wealth Builders?

Don't really know a lot about it. Seems to be Forex and based on a matrix.

Anybody have any info on this?

Charles & Susan

Targeted MLM leads for the home based business industry.
Internet marketing just got easier
Fresh and responsive and waiting for you to contact.


Hello everyone,

This is a auto surf run by Andy Bowdoin located in Quincy, Florida.
Members of Ad Surf Daily buy ad packages and earn rebates
on the packages.
This Ponzi scheme is hot right now and being promoted heavily.
They also have a Spanish version called Lafuente Dinero
and Chinese version called Golden Panda.
We are not members and don't intend to join either.

This program just does not add up to us and we see it going
under soon. There is rumblings already about how long
it takes to receive your funds after requesting a cash out.
This is not usually a good sign. Remember 12dailypro?

We received an email about Andy Bowdoin being presented
an award from Pres. George Bush. We don't believe it.

We have no doubt there is a lot of people going to make money
with this and also many are going to lose a lot also.

This is our opinion.
Any thoughts one way or the other is welcome.

Charles & Susan

Hi John,

Are you still with Xango, if so how is it working for ?



Charles & Susan

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