Author Topic: Nutricharge Man (Daily nutritional needs of men, to keep them fit and healthy)  (Read 4863 times)

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1) What is Nutricharge Man tablet?

Nutricharge Man is a comprehensive daily nutritional supplement that provides 35 vitamins, minerals, amino acids and anitoxidants to help meet the daily nutritional needs of men, to keep them fit  and healthy through a balanced nutrition.

2) Can Nutricharge Man tablet be consumed by Vegetarians?

Yes, since it does not contain any ingredients of animal (non-vegetarian) source.

3) What are the benefits of having Nutricharge Man tablet daily?

With a modern lifestyle, fast food, imbalanced diet and poor absorption, it is difficult to get all micro nutrients in required quantities. Deficiency of these micronutrients can lead to loss of energy and stamina, poor immunity, weak muscles, bones and teeth etc. Nutricharge Man provides most vital nutrients in required quantity to prevent nutritional deficiencies, help to maintain function and structure of various organ systems and may be beneficial for cardiovascular health and in diabetes.

4) Does Nutricharge Man tablet have any side effects?

Nutricharge Man is usually well tolerated when taken after a meal in recommended doses in most persons. Rarely it may cause nausea, vomiting and abdominal discomfort.

5) I am a diabetic, can i consume Nutricharge Man?

Yes, you can consume Nutricharge Man as it is not  harmful for a person with diabetes. Minerals like chromium, vanadium and zinc may be helpful in diabetes. Green tea extract may help burn fats, while vitamin A and other antioxidants may increase immunity and check eye  damage. However if you are already taking vitamins-minerals supplements, do consult your Doctor

6) Who should use this product?

Nutricharge Man can be consumed by boys above 14 years of age and all adult men.

7) When can i consume Nutricharge Man and how many tablets in a day?

Take 1 tablet of Nutricharge everyday after breakfast or lunch with a glass full of water.

8.) Do I need Doctor's prescription before taking Nutricharge?

Being a dietary supplement, Nutricharge Man can be taken on your own, however if you feel the need, you may consult your Doctor.

9) Will I gain or lose weight if continued for some time?

Nutricharge Man being a nutritional supplement that works specifically for correcting dietary deficiencies only and does not increase weight. Green tea extract may help burn fats.

10) Is Nutricharge Man a medicine?

Nutricharge Man tablet is not a medicine. It is a Daily Nutrition Supplement with B complex factors, other vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

11) How long is it to be continued?

One tablet Nutricharge Man should be taken daily for a long period.

12) Will I be addicted if I continue taking Nutricharge Man for some time?

Nutricharge Man tablet is not habit forming and you can continue as per your choice but to derive maximum benefits it is advisable to take it for a long period.

13)Should I consult a doctor before taking Nutricharge Man?

As a daily health supplement Nutricharge Man tablet does not require a doctor's prescription. Worldwide, health/dietary supplements are sold without any prescription. People in India are also realizing the immense potential benefits of wellness products and Nutricharge Man is a high quality supplement.

14) I am already on a specific diet plan. Can i still take Nutricharge?

Nutricharge Man may be beneficial if you are on a special diet or dieting as it proviedes valuable vitamins, minerals and amino acids which you may not get from your strict diet.

15) Is any trial pack of Nutricharge Man available?

Nutricharge Man comes in a pack of 30 tablets and it lasts for one full month.

Energy and Stamina

Most men often tired, lethargic, or lacking energy. Besides sickness and stress, mental and physical tiredness may  be related to underlying issues. Imbalanced nutrition may diminish intellectual ability and work capacity, may cause muscle, weakness, tiredness, irritability and anaemia. Vitamins and minerals may be helpful in deriving energy from food, boosting metabolism and could also help body cells to use glucose efficiently.

Anti Ageing ( Healthy Ageing)

Our Skin is exposed to lot of stress, pollution, harsh sunlight, smoke and unfriendly environment. With ageing, our skin also looses collagen and elastin , leading to wrinkles, sagging and discoloration which steal damaging free radicals and premature ageing due to deficiencies and harsh environmental exposures to help maintain glow of the skin.


Adequate intake of vitamins and trace elements are required for the immune system to function efficiently. Deficiencies in important vitamins and minerals can alter significantly the white blood cell function and suppresses immunity, which predisposes to infections. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients may help you remain fit, active and healthy.

Eye Health

Sustained work stress, poor lighting, pollution, harmful UV rays, and smoking negatively affect our eyesight. Continued oxidative stress may result in the development of cataracts or damage the blood supply to the eyes and lead to retinal degeneration, there by blurring our vision. Antioxidant vitamins and minerals including carotenoids may resist free radical induced damage to the cornea, lens, optic nerve and retina. Vitamins and minerals may also help maintain eye health and sharp eye sight.

Heart Health

Heart disease is still the number one killer in many countries. High blood pressure, cholesterol and obesity, the top risk factors for heart disease - are all linked with diet and an imbalanced nutrition. Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals may help reduce bad cholesterol and free radical damage to the heart and may lower risk of blocked arteries of the heart.

Health bones, joints, muscles and teeth

Bones provide strength and structure to our body. Our bones need a constant supply of nutrients to function properly and replenish themselves throughout our lives. After the middle age, we start losing bone. Micro and macro nutrients could help nourish and strengthen our bones, muscles and teeth so as to keep us going strong.

Health Hair

Nutritional deficiencies and stress may lead to diffused hair loss; gradual greying and thinning of hair; fine and brittle hair; inflamed, dry skin and baldness. Pollution, toxins, radiation, and free radicals could also damage the hair. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants may help check deficiency hair loss and premature greying, could improve skin health, check anaemia, improve quality, texture and growth of hair, help prevent hair from falling, promote blood supply to the scalp and make the hair stronger.

Brain Health

A wide variety of nutrients are essential to brain function. Impaired intelligence, loss of memory and brain diseases during ageing can also due to deficiencies of anti-oxidants, trace elements, vitamins and other nutrients related with protection against free radicals. Supplementation of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants may be helpful in keeping you alert.

Better management of Diabetes

In Diabetes, high blood glucose damages the heart, eyes, brain and kidneys, while high cholesterol blocks blood supply of heart. Vitamins and minerals may correct deficiencies, supporting proper use of glucose to generate energy and may be helpful in regulating fat metabolism. Antioxidants could be useful in resisting blockage of coronary arteries of heart by bad cholesterol and checking free radical induced damage. Vitamins and minerals may help in reducing the risk of developing diabetic complications like damage to kidneys (nephropathy), and eye (retionopathy).

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To Reduce the shipping charges check Nutricharge Man - (Six Packets)
« Last Edit: May 06, 2016, 01:49:59 AM by ajay2512 »

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