Author Topic: Enroll Your Child to a Daycare Center  (Read 1186 times)

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Enroll Your Child to a Daycare Center
« on: April 16, 2009, 09:23:36 PM »
The hardest part of bringing a child to the daycare center is the time when the child is required to be dropped off and sent off inside the premises of the said center. Truth is, most children find it very difficult and oftentimes upsetting to be left alone by their parents especially their mother. However, the drama of bringing the child to school can be prevented if you know how best to manage your child and brief him or her on what it really means to go to school. If your child is assured of your love and compassion, chances are it would be easier for him or her to understand that leaving you at the daycare center does not necessarily mean that you no longer love him or her.

Of course not everyone can easily understand the situation. This now becomes one of the main responsibilities of a daycare center and that is to provide assurance to the child that they are there only temporarily and only for a short period of time.

Here’s what can actually be done:

1. Understand that the parent must consider that you are dependable and capable in taking care of their child and others. Without this the parent will not trust you and feel that you are not able in taking care of several children. This whole idea stems down to professionalism. Showing up to check in your children in pj’s and bed head is a bad way to present yourself. Looking astonished that a child is arriving for childcare is one more poor way of representing yourself. You want parents to know that you are waiting for them. Present yourself as a professional person and you will be respected for the work that you do.

2. Realize that some kids are angry that their father is going to work and drop them off. Often times you will notice that once the parent leaves the daycare the child stops crying. Most parents understand this and few are upset and often times this is only provisional.

3. Always support the parent that they are building a good choice by choosing you for a daycare supplier and that their child’s sad feelings will pass. Be sure to call the parent during the course of the day to let them know that their child is having a good day. Give a small gift for the child for their first day at childcare, reassure the parent that they made a good choice.

A parents guilty feelings are usually at their greatest during the first few weeks of starting a new childcare. Once a child as started care they will soon realize that they are in a fantastic place and there is nothing to be bothered about, and that goes for parent and child.

For more: How to start a daycare center by

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