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Messages - rick2323

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This Is How You Get Paid At DigiSoft!

If you are like me you are tired of getting scammed, and having
Admin’s run off with your m*on*ey!

This is one of the biggest reasons why I decided to join DigiSoft!
The Admin here can never run off with your m*on*ey because
they never touch your m*on*ey! Ron Walsh engineered this Pay
Plan to pay instantly member to member. I really like that!

After you upgrade to a Payliner and enter the Payline’r Room for
the first time you will be asked to submit your payment details for
Pay Pal, Payza, and SolidTrust Pay.

When someone has to pay you for a Product Package they will see
your payment options. For example if someone wanted to pay you
by Pay Pal, they would copy your Pay Pal email address and login
into their Pay Pal account and send the payment directly to you!
So the company never touches YOUR m*on*ey!

Another reason I joined DigiSoft was because of the Pay Plan!
One of the best I have ever seen! We get to keep 100% of the
m*on*ey from all Personal and Infinity Team Sales!

We earn real commissions here, up to $50 per sale! Unlike those
Matrix programs that pay you a lousy dollar per sale. Check this
out! If you are getting paid a lousy dollar per sale you need 500
people in your Matrix to make $500, and you have to wait for the
end of the month for Admin to pay you! That sucks!

At DigiSoft 10 people who purchase both Product Packages can
make you $500, and you are paid instantly! We both know it’s
easier to find 10 people than it is to find 500 people!

Bottom line is, we have a better Pay Plan, and a far better Payment

Please go watch the How It Works Movie again, then upgrade to
a Payliner, and let’s start making some real m*on*ey!


Rick Brier


Are You Tired of Making the Company You Work for Rich?
We’ll Show You How to Earn What You are Really Worth
for Yourself!

CALL NOW to Receive the Details that will Change Your
Life! -24 Hours/7 Days


Rick Brier

Post Your Business Opportunities Here / I want YOU to succeed with us!
« on: January 11, 2018, 04:21:13 AM »

Are You Ready To Create Wild Success.

I absolutely, unequivocally, unapologeticaly
want YOU to get filthy stinking rich.

Really give that some thought.

Imagine what it would feel like to know that
you will be earning 5-6 figures each month,
without having to report to a job.

Feel the freedom of that possibility.

Take ACTION to Supercharge Your Success.


Rick Brier

Post Your Business Opportunities Here / Advise from an Amway Legend!
« on: January 09, 2018, 11:41:42 PM »

Here is a quote I found from Amway Legend Bill Britt.
This is what he credits to his success.

"There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people.
900 said 'NO' and only 300 signed up. Of those 300 only 85
did anything at all. Out of those 85, only 35 were serious, and
out of those 35, 11 made me a millionaire."

This statement validates the power of working the numbers until
you find your key players. This is a numbers game, no matter
what anyone else tells you.


Rick Brier

Post Your Business Opportunities Here / Fast Christmas Cash!
« on: October 05, 2017, 02:22:21 AM »
We are the last program that you need to join![/size]We have an admin that will close your sales.We pay each other so it is instantly in your account.


Rick Brier

Post Your Business Opportunities Here / FAST and INSTANT Money!
« on: September 17, 2017, 02:47:58 AM »
FAST and INSTANT Money! [/size]If You Need Money Fast, You Should Click on my Link and Watch the Video, and Read every Word on my Website. This is the fastest way to make money on the planet. Discover How to Receive Instant $15, $35, $50, Instant Payments in Your PayPal Account, or Any Account of Your Choice, Every Day! CLICK HERE to Get Details!>>> Brier812.264.3754[/color]

Post Your Business Opportunities Here / What you want, and deserve...
« on: September 15, 2017, 04:38:09 AM »
That's right. [/size]Stop Selling Your Life to a Boss One Hour at a Time... and Start Working for YOU! Create a FREE account, and watch the How It
Works Video! Hope this helps!


Rick Brier

Post Your Business Opportunities Here / I quit my Job when I saw this!
« on: September 11, 2017, 02:01:26 AM »


To All Of The Opportunity Seekers, this is the Greatest Income Opportunity
of the YEAR Hands DOWN! 💰💰 It's TIME TO MAKE SOME MONEY 💰💰

World’s Easiest Home Based Business Opportunity...
No Experience is Needed!

After Watching This Video PLEASE Join This Company Today!


Rick Brier

Post Your Business Opportunities Here / Let's be friends:-)
« on: September 04, 2017, 02:24:52 AM »

What would it take for you and I to start working
together as a successful team?

We've got some really GREAT things happening
in our business right now. people on our team have
put some big bucks in their pockets as quickly as
their first few weeks.

Our system has been designed so that anyone willing
to follow our simple and proven system for success
can succeed. With our system many of our members
are making money for the first time...It's easy to make
money when you have a system to plug into!

If you're really committed to changing your financial situation,
Let's talk! Call me when you've got 5 minutes and I'll give you
the "NO-HYPE" Details!

I'll look forward to speaking with you!

If you can "COPY AND PASTE" and let the "UNLIMITED" $50
payments roll in, Then you can do this...

Please contact me if you have any questions. I am here to help
you be successful.


Rick Brier

Post Your Business Opportunities Here / Legit...?
« on: August 30, 2017, 02:23:31 AM »
Do you know the #1 way to distinguish a legitimate program from a potential rip off program?
If you don't, let me tell you how I do it!
It all comes down to the owner, and the Pay Plan. Allow me to explain. If the pay plan requires everyone to send their mon-ey into the company first, and the owner does not reveal his or her true identity on the company website, then there is a very good chance (99%) that you are going to get ripped off if you join that program!
Every day we see new programs popping up online and they tell everyone that you do not have to sponsor anyone to make mo-ney. They also promise tons of spillover. This is how they suck innocent people in! People like you!
The owners of these programs never reveal their true identity because they know the program is only going to last a few short months, and when they shut it down they know they are going to run off with everyone`s mon-ey.
Think about it, why do bank robbers hide their face? I will tell you why, because they do not want to get caught! Just like these dishonest program owners!
Now let`s take a closer look at DigiSoft Payline!
The owner, Ron Walsh does not hide his true identity! Ron is one of the few owners who will actually stand out front on the website in a video for the world to see.
Why does he do this? I will tell you why, because he is not here to rip people off, so there is no need for him to hide!
Then there is the DigiSoft Pay Plan! Ron personally engineered this proprietary one-of-a-kind pay plan to pay instantly member to member.
Think about that for a minute! The owner designed the pay plan so that the company can NEVER touch anyone`s mon-ey! As Ron says; ``It is honest by design!``
We have one of the best owners, and pay plans in the industry, and if you cannot see that then I feel so bad for you because you are a victim in waiting for someone to rip you off!
DigiSoft has been in business for over 2 years, and real people are making real mon-ey!
You can get started at Package #1 for as little $22, and you will start earning instant $15 commissions with your second sale! Ron will also help you to close your sales! He has already close thousands of sales for my upline!
If you upgrade to a Payliner today and purchase Package #1, I will send you a list of my best advertising resources to help you get off to a fast start!

Rick Brier

Post Your Income Opportunities Here / Would an extra $100 a day help?
« on: July 20, 2017, 06:00:33 AM »

If you were walking down the street
and you saw a $100 dollar bill on the
sidewalk... would you pick it up?

==>Grab it:

If you didn't click that link above, it would
literally be like walking past what's yours
for the taking.

==>Check it out:

So if I were you, I would "pick it up" now
before the next person who "passes it by"
takes advantage of it...

P.S. I also share all of my advertising resources, and

advertise for everyone in my Downline~!!!


Rick Brier


I just wanted to share with you a portion of an email that one of our
DigiSoft Payliners sent out


Another $50 Payment To My PayPal. Why Not You?

I'm a 70 year old retired mailman and I am making money with
DigiSoft Payline. If I can do it any one can!

It doesn't take a lot of money to get your DSP business started.
Only $22 bucks. $7 a month Admin Fee, and a onetime purchase
of $15 for our Package #1.

Why not take another look? Watch the "How It Works Video"!

Find out why a 70 year old retired guy is getting $50 payments,
and see if it is too hard for you to do the same!

Jim H.
Florida, USA



Rick Brier (DigiSoft Payline - Sponsor)
812.264.3754 (10+ years)

Post Your Articles Here / How to know if you're being SCAMMED!
« on: March 13, 2017, 03:29:53 AM »

With the thousands of internet opportunities out there, it can sometimes
be hard to distinguish what's Legit, and what's not! Nobody wants to give
away their hard earned money to start a program, and get nothing in
return. I've put together some tell-tale signs to better educate you in your
search for a legitimate online business. It should be noted that their is no
such thing as the perfect business. They all have downfalls. and It's your
job to do the research....

{Tell-Tale signs}

1) If a business tells you to send cash or money orders by mail, then it's
probably not legit. Most online opportunities allow payments to be made
by credit card, or Paypal. Paypal is the same as having a secured online
bank account, and it's 100% FREE to use. (Just create an account)

2) Another sign is if the website has a lot of glitches, and mis-spellings,
and doesn't generally start out with (http://). Also if the website has a lot
of capital letters, this is a pretty good sign that you might want to steer
clear of these programs.

3) Avoid FREE offers from the company, because that usually means that
you will have to pay for it later. One of the complaints that I've dealt with over
my years of work at home opportunities, is that most businesses only tell
you the cost to get started. They almost never let you know what costs you
will occur along the way. With any opportunity, I hide nothing!

4) Here are some key words/phrases to look for....

"NOW" or "NEVER"

*If it sounds to good to be true, then more than likely
you'll want to stay away from these opportunities!!!

Before joining any opportunity, I urge you to do your due
diligence and find out the facts first. Here are just a few
things you can do...

1) You can google any business, and you will see pages of links
good or bad. Even some good opportunities have a few negative
responses, so make sure you look at several links.

2) You can go to and see what people have posted.
If you are looking at a particular opportunity, and don't see anything
bad posted, there's a good chance that it might be legit.

3) You can also Call the website owner and ask some tough questions,
making them tell you everything that you want to know. Admin also has
contact info on the webpage. Send questions to them. If it is legit, they
will have no problem answering your questions.

*These are just a few ways to better educate you on making a potential
life changing decision about your financial future. Unfortunately, because
of the poor sponsoring, 98.2% of all internet marketers are failing to make
any money at all. With DigiSoft Payline, members are taught the
correct ways to market online if they choose to do so, And for Free!!!

P.S. I look forward to talking with you and answering all of your questions. I
enjoy helping people become financially FREE, even in this poor economy!



Rick Brier

Post Your Products & Services Here / Marketing Tips/Tutorials/Videos
« on: August 23, 2015, 05:10:42 AM »
I've created a blog in order to help other business owners
get more leads/sign ups for their opportunities...Also
check out blog post #138 about the #1 business opportunity
of the year..


Rick Brier
812.264.3754 :)

***Why "GETTING" a job is a bad idea*** {163}

There’s so much discussion about the struggle for folks to find work, to get a job. And beyond that how can we expect to find something we truly love to do that will also pay the bills?

first, let’s highlight the mindset that is holding so many back. Ask yourself, does this sound familiar?
“I need to GET a job.”
“I need to GET money.”

“I need to GET customers/clients.”
The problem with this approach — the “getting” approach — is that it’s focus is solely on one thing. You getting something.
People — you and me and everyone else — pay for what they value. And most importantly, we are compensated when we provide that value.
But the opposite is true when we are taking or getting. Go ahead and read that last sentence again. I’ll wait.
So what if?

What if instead of looking to GET paid for being told what to do we looked for ways to PROVIDE value?

Then the next question is…
How do we provide value?
We provide value when we…
— Solve a problem or provide a solution to a problem
— Save someone (or an organization) time, energy or money
When we’re solely focused on “getting” for ourselves then we’re listening for orders. It’s the voice that yells…
“Just tell me what to do!”

In that mindset we’re not listening for opportunities — for problems to solve, for time/energy/money to save.
We’re not aware of the squeaky wheels that need grease. We’re not aware of the opportunities masquerading as complaints from others.
So let’s define your professional value.

Spend some time listening. What are the problems out there that need solutions? How could you help someone (or an organization) save more time, energy and/or money?

How could the solutions to these challenges overlap with something you enjoy doing?

Beyond that, how could these solutions be meaningful and truly beneficial to others besides yourself?

This is the path to providing true value. And it may be easier to do than simply finding orders to follow.

Think of it this way. There are two guys competing for the same gig. One guy is waiting to be told what to do. The other is taking the initiative, finding opportunities to improve a situation.

Which one would you hire?

And when things get lean again — and they will — the guy who provides true value won’t be waiting to ‘get’ something. His trained awareness will find a way to provide it.
And people pay for what they truly value.

===>  (Amazon)

(Marketing Tips, Tutorials & Videos}

***A Massive List Of FREE/PAID Advertising Sites*** {46}

***If you have a budget you can pay for solo ads... This a great way to get off to a good start... You would create your ad and subject go to the solo ad lists below you like and paste your ads in and send away and watch for signups...

Run At Least 1 to 5 Paid Ads EVERY Week And Teach Your New Members To Do The Same... It is absolutely critical that you actively market your business EVERY week and if possible... EVERY day... This is the fuel for your ferrari... You now have a kick butt marketing system and automated sales machine in place...

Now don't just let your ferrari sit there in the garage!.. Fill it up and let it take you to the six figure cash flow you deserve!... Anyone can place at least one ad a week for their business... I personally test at least 5 new ads per week and have dozens of successful ads constantly in rotation... You have to run at least 1 per week so you can build the momentum required to get you to your goals...

Remember, your efforts will begin to snowball as your own signups start to advertise also... Imagine just 10 serious people below you all marketing consistently every week... That's at least 10 paid ads going out plus your own EVERY week, week after week building your residual income... It's not how much you spend on marketing but rather how consistent you are...

I'd rather you spent $25 a week for 12 months than see you drop $1,000 into advertising your first week... The key is consistency, consistency, consistency, consistency, consistency, consistency, consistency! Remember, this is a marathon and not a sprint. Always keep your long term goals in mind... My Recommended Advertising Sources:... Simply choose a company from the lists below... order an ad, then copy and paste the suggested ad copy you create from the ads listed Here...

(make sure to customize the ad with YOUR website link) That's it!... Do this week after week and you'll be set!

** *Solo-ads $25 solo ad (order directly on site)
***Topsurfer $65 solo ad (must be a wholesale member to place solo ads $10)
***Gotsafelists $45 solo ad (signup free and then order your paid solo)
***Herculist Supra-Ad $49.95 (sign up free and then order your Supra-Ad)
***PlanetXmail $59 solo ad
***Majon $60 solo ad
*Ad Solution Line $35 solo ad
***TheMadVlad $120 solo ad (register free and then order your paid SOLO)
***Traffic9 $90 "combo solo ads"
***Adtactics $25 solo ad (sign up free then order a "solo ad")
** *E-mailpaysu $70 "5,000 Targeted Email Advertisements to Our Newest Subscribers Only!" ... Here's even more GREAT places to advertise!
** *I have not tested many of these myself but these are highly recommended by other Marketing Gurus I have dealt with in the past...
***24 Karat Marketer
** *Successful-marketing
***Best News Marketing Gazette
***BizSiteBiz Ezine
***BizWeb E-Gazette
***Cash From Home
***Christian Times Newsletter
***Contact Solos
***DEMC E-Magazine
***Direct Profits Ezine
***e4u Newsletter
***Ecommerce Resources Ezine
***Evieb Ezine
***Ezine Adhelper
***GetResponse Smart Ads
***Guaranteed Money Ezine
***Hit Overload
***HT Mail
***Net Preneur News
***Online Exchange
** *Online Marketers
***OyesUcan Ezine
***Response Advertising
***Rim Digest
** *SCOOP Ezine
** *Sendfree Advertising
***Send More Info (Contact Jerome Chapman)
***Smart List Ezine
** *Straight Talkers
***STWebFx Ezine
** *Super Promo
** *The BizBarrel Newsletter
* **The Home Workers' E-Gazette
** *Village of Tidbits
** *Work At Home News
***Here Are some free places to advertise... I may have already mentioned a few.


** *
* **
*** ***

***Traffic Exchanges are a great place to advertise. Below are 42 places that you can try...

*** 1) ***




*** 5)

*** 6)

*** 7)

*** 8)


*** 10)





*** 15)


*** 17)

*** 18)


*** 20)


*** 22)

*** 23)



*** 26)

*** 27)

*** 28)

*** 29)



*** 32)




*** 36)


*** 38)




*** 42)

* **Here are Some Great Videos To Watch About Marketing.

***Digg tutorial 1 ***

***Digg tutorial 2 **

**Squidoo tutorial 1 ***

* **Squidoo tutorial 2 * **

***Pay per click tutorial 1




***Pay per click tutorial 2


***Web 2.0 tutorial 1

* **

***Web 2.0 tutorial 2


***Web 2.0 tutorial 3



(Marketing Tips,Tutorials, & Videos)

(Amazon- your 1 stop shop for all of your online shopping needs, at great prices)

Post Your Products & Services Here / 1 in 5 Americans Work From Home.
« on: April 03, 2015, 10:19:49 PM »
***1 In 5 Americans Work From Home. {60%}*** {176}

One In Five Americans Work From Home, Numbers Seen Rising Over 60%

Yes, you can. Telecommuting on the rise as companies cite production benefits.

A growing number of Americans are working from home. Whether they are self-employed entrepreneurs running small accounting services, or telecommuting for multinational consulting firms, some 30 million of us work from a home office at least once a week. And that number is expected to increase by 63% in the next five years, according to a study by the Tele-work Research Network.

An estimated three million American professionals never step a foot in an office outside of their own home and another 54% say they are happier that way.

INFOGRAPHIC: The Home Office: Facts & Figures – BOLT Insurance

New technologies like Tele-presence are making telecommuting more feasible, let alone allowing for expanding offices around the world.

We’ve all seen the commercial where a team of scientists and tech solution providers devise a way to bring water to parched areas of Kenya. They are all chatting about their ideas over a program like Skype. Some of them are working from their home office.

In fact, half-time home-based work accounts for savings of more than $10,000 per employee per year, according to Tele-work—the result of increased productivity, reduced facility costs, lowered absenteeism, and reduced turnover. Employees save somewhere between $1,600 to $6,800 and 15 days of time once used driving to work or taking public transportation.

A total of 47% of people who have the option to Tele-work are “very satisfied” with their jobs, compared to 27% of those who are office-bound, according to Tele-work. Over two-thirds of employers report increased productivity among their teleworkers. Contributing factors include fewer interruptions from colleagues, more effective time management, feelings of empowerment, flexible hours and, of course, even longer hours. The home office never closes.

Telework Research Network said that Best Buy’s average productivity had increased 35% through its flexible work program. British Telecom estimates productivity increased 20% through telecommuting. Around 90% of home-based workers say they are happier with the work/life balance even though they tend to work harder and longer.

Alpine Access, one of the nation’s largest all-virtual employers, attributes a 30% increase in sales and 90% reduction in customer complaints to its home-based agents. American Express teleworkers handled 26% more calls and produced 43% more business than their office-based counterparts, Tele-work said.

Home-based workers often continue to work when they’re sick. They’re able to return to work more quickly following pregnancy or surgery. And they’re able to handle personal appointments (cable installer, appliance delivery, teacher consult, etc.) without losing a full day of work.

The top reasons employees want to work from home (including both federal employees and the private sector) are:

Avoid commute (63–71%),
Greater flexibility (49–66%),
More productive productivity
Save money (28–31%).
In cities such as Chicago, Houston, and Seattle, during peak commute times travelers have to allow twice as long as they normally would if they want to be sure to arrive on time.

For commuters stuck in traffic every day, time spent in a car cuts productivity in half. Nationwide, 4.2 billion hours are spent driving in traffic every year, which Tele-work Research said robs $78 billion worth of productivity from the U.S. economy. Al Gore will like this one: traffic jams idle away 2.9 billion gallons of gas, and release more than 58 million extra pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year, the company said on its website.

(Marketing Tips, Tutorials, & Videos)

(Amazon- your 1 stop shop for all of your online shopping needs, including gift cards)

***10 Ways To Think Outside The Box, For A Better Business*** {187}

Smart business owners encourage their employees to be creative. After all, employees are on the front lines and often know better than anyone how to improve a business.

Inspiring and supporting creativity, however, isn’t always easy. If you'd like to get the creativity flowing in your business, try these 10 techniques.

1. Encourage Free Thinking:

It may seem obvious to promote free thinking, but it’s not always the way that businesses work. We often continue doing what we’ve been doing—and how we’ve been doing it—simply because, on some level, it works. But free thinking is central to keeping your business contemporary, relevant and profitable. It’s all about thinking of things in new ways, leaving behind old, outdated models, and discovering new ones. Create a culture in your business in which employees are encouraged to think freely and express their ideas.

2. Schedule Brainstorming Sessions:

Sometimes the best way to encourage creativity is to schedule it into the day. This might seem counterintuitive, but the more creative thought that can be scheduled, the more likely it is to happen. Set aside time for a weekly brainstorming session that involves all your employees. Encourage employees from marketing to interact with ones from payroll or from tech services. These kinds of cross-workplace discussions can do wonders for your business.

3. Reward Creative Thought:

Show that you value creative thinking by rewarding the employees who engage in it. Set up a system of rewards—such as gift certificates, prime parking spaces or vacation time—for employees who come up with ideas that increase sales or target new customers. Such rewards can be powerful motivators for employees and will show everyone that you're serious about creative thinking.

4. Model Creative Thinking:

The best way to encourage employees to be creative is to model it from the top. Show them what it means for the owner of the business to be creative, and they’ll be more likely to replicate this behavior on their own.

5. Provide Break Times:

The best creative thinking comes when the brain has time to relax, make new connections and see things in a new way. This means that frequent and scheduled breaks can actually boost the creative spirit in the workplace.

6. Take Field Trips:

Get out of the office or wherever you run your business, and take your employees to visit other companies, conferences or even just parks. Field trips can get them—and you—out of their everyday comfort zone and into a space where new thoughts and ideas can take hold.

7. Support Artistic Expression:

Encouraging your employees to engage in artistic endeavor—painting, drawing, writing, cartooning or even pottery-making—can get them to see your business’s challenges and issues in a new light. These activities can occur during work time or after hours, and can help bring new life to your business.

8. Communicate Openly:

No matter how creative your employees are, you’ll never know about it if you’re not talking with them about their ideas. Talk openly with them, both formally and informally, about what can be done better, what can be improved, what can be done differently and what their overall ideas are for changing the business.

9. Bring in a Coach:

Creativity coaches can prove invaluable in the workplace, offering workshops and one-on-one consulting sessions to help boost creativity. You might be surprised how much they can bring to your business and what they can offer to both you and your employees.

10. Evaluate, Measure, Track:

When your employees come up with creative ways to improve the business, change processes, boost sales or bring about other improvements, make sure to evaluate the changes over time after you've implemented them. The evaluation process is just as important as the implementation stage, since it will give you and your employees a sense of what works, what doesn’t and why. It will also give you the chance to fine-tune new procedures in order to make them work even more effectively.
Creative business practices can seem mysterious and out-of-reach, but in fact, they’re accessible to any business owner who's willing to foster them. Once you make creativity a priority, your business—and your employees—will flourish.

         (Marketing Tips, Tutorials, & Videos)


Introduce Yourselves / Thank You!
« on: November 03, 2014, 06:52:32 PM »
Hi my name is Rick Brier, and I'm new to
your forum...I just wanted to invite you
to checkout my training Blog about
Internet Marketing...I post daily Tips,
Tutorials, & Videos...Please follow
my blog, and I will send you FREE
E-books Directly to your E-mail Address...

Thank, and have a great day!

P.S. Feel free to contact me if you
if you want to discuss your Marketing
Ideas...I would love to hear them...

Rick Brier
812.264.3754 (Cell)

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5]

P.S. Do you want to see how we made $14,178.00 Dollars Last Month?

Click Here For All The Info!

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