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Everything Else / صفيحة لحم
« Last post by رنيم حمدي on April 22, 2024, 02:34:38 AM »

إليك قائمة بالمقادير الأساسية لتحضير  صفيحة لحم:
اخلطي كوبين من الطحين والملح في وعاء كبير...
أضيفي الماء الدافئ تدريجيا واعجني حتى تحصلي
على عجينة ناعمة ومتماسكة...
غطي العجينة واتركيها جانبا لمدة 30 دقيقة...
في مقلاة على نار متوسطة قلي بصلة كبيرة مفرومة
في القليل من الزيت حتى يصبح شفافا...
أضيفي 500 غرام لحم بقري مفروم واستمري في
الطهي حتى ينضج تماما....
أضيفي فصين من الثوم مهروسة وملعقتين كبيرتين
من البقدونس المفروم وملح وفلفل أسود حسب الذوق
وبهارات مشكلة...
اتركي المزيج يبرد...
قسمي العجينة إلى كرات صغيرة ثم افردي كل كرة عجين
إلى قرص رقيق...
ضعي ملعقة من حشوة اللحم في منتصف كل قرص عجين...
سخني الزيت في مقلاة عميقة...
اقلي الصفائح في الزيت المسخن حتى تصبح ذهبية اللون من

NeironVPS is not a newcomer to the web hosting industry by any stretch of the imagination, and has been in business since 1999 starting out with their own infrastructures, networks, and in-house staff. If you are looking for a web hosting solution that can provide TRUE 24/7 semi-managed support, NeironVPS will be able to more than meet your needs. Due to the fact that we have real people taking care of all of our tickets, we can guarantee that 99% of the tickets that are put into our system will have a personal reply to them within 30 min. The hosting provider is backed by many years of experience, and due to that experience we have implemented a significant amount of disaster planning in order to preserve any enterprise-level data, and the services surrounding that data.

Check out SSD VPS Hosting Packages:
Every VPS Servers we offer includes full root access, enabling you to run whatever you wish whenever you want to.

SSDVPS1 Starting at $5.95/month
CPU 1хE5-2680
Dedicated RAM 1 GB
Disk Space SSD 10GB
Bandwidth 1 TB per Month
Locations - USA, Los Angeles, Germany, Switzerland

SSDVPS2 - Starting at $7.95/month
CPU 1хE5-2680
Dedicated RAM 2 GB
Disk Space SSD 20GB
Bandwidth 2 TB per Month
Locations - USA, Los Angeles, Germany, Switzerland

SSDVPS4 - Starting at $14.95/month
CPU 2хE5-2680
Dedicated RAM 4 GB
Disk Space SSD 30GB
Bandwidth 4 TB per Month
Locations - USA, Los Angeles, Germany, Switzerland

SSDVPS8 - Starting at $34.95/month
CPU 4хE5-2680
Dedicated RAM 8 GB
Disk Space SSD 50GB
Bandwidth 6 TB per Month
Locations - USA, Los Angeles, Germany, Switzerland

SSDVPS16 - Starting at $69.95/month
CPU 6хE5-2680
Dedicated RAM 16 GB
Disk Space SSD 100GB
Bandwidth 8 TB per Month
Locations - USA, Los Angeles, Germany, Switzerland

SSDVPS32 - Starting at $120.00/month
CPU 8хE5-2680
Dedicated RAM 32 GB
Disk Space SSD 250GB
Bandwidth 10 TB per Month
Locations - USA, Los Angeles, Germany, Switzerland

Operating Systems: CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Windows Server.

Additional Options VPS Server:
ISPmanager Lite - Starting at $10/month
ISPmanager Business - Starting at $25/month
cPanel/WHM - Starting at $25/month
Additional IPs - Starting at $2/month
Extra 20 Gb SSD - Starting at $5/month

Here are dedicated servers:

Datacenter: USA, Los Angeles

Dual X5680 Starting at $99/month
CPU Intel Xeon 2xX5680
Dedicated RAM 16 GB
Disk Space SSD 100 GB
IP IP's 1
Bandwidth 10 TBs
Location USA, Los Angeles

Dual E5-2680 Starting at $149/month
CPU Intel Xeon 2xE5-2680 v3
Dedicated RAM 128 GB
Disk Space SSD 2 X 1TB
IP IP's 1
Bandwidth 30 TBs
Location USA, Los Angeles

Dual E5-2670 Starting at $199/month
CPU Intel Xeon 2xE5-2670 v2
Dedicated RAM 128 GB
Disk Space SSD 4 X 1TB
IP IP's 1
Bandwidth 30 TBs
Location USA, Los Angeles

Datacenter: Germany, Nuremberg

Server i7-6700 Starting at $99/month
CPU CPU Intel® Core™ i7-6700
Dedicated RAM 16 GB
Disk Space SSD 100 GB
IP IP's 1 free
Bandwidth 10 TB per Month
Location Germany

Server i7-8700 Starting at $149/month
CPU CPU Intel Core™ i7-8700
Dedicated RAM 128 GB
Disk Space SSD 2 x 1TB
IP IP's 1 free
Bandwidth 20 TB per Month
Location Germany

Server i9-9900k Starting at $199/month
CPU Intel i9-9900k
Dedicated RAM 128 GB
Disk Space HDD 2 x 8 TB
IP IP's 1 free
Bandwidth 20 TB per Month
Location Germany

Feel free to Contact US!
19 Carbeen ave. St Ives, NSW, 2075
Support 24/7: 1(800)685-14-55
:) New Blog Post #561


Rick Brier
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Post Your Business Opportunities Here / Re: how to trade binary options?
« Last post by keizerg on April 21, 2024, 03:35:37 PM »
Good day! Diving into the world of binary options trading is quite an exciting journey! It's straightforward but comes with its own set of challenges. For anyone starting out, it's crucial to grasp the basics and understand the risks involved. A great place to begin your learning journey is the Trade platform. They've got a comprehensive guide that covers everything from selecting the right broker, understanding the components of binary options, to developing effective trading strategies and managing risks. What's excellent about their guide is the emphasis on choosing regulated brokers and the practical tips on risk management. Plus, they suggest utilizing demo accounts to practice your strategies without risking real money. This approach helps build a solid foundation before you dive into live trading. I highly recommend checking out the article Learning How to Trade Binary Options : Where to Start on the Trade website. It's a treasure trove of information for beginners and a good starting point to understand how to trade binary options effectively. Remember, patience and continuous education are key to becoming proficient in binary options trading. Good luck!
Post Your Business Opportunities Here / how to trade binary options?
« Last post by crowl on April 21, 2024, 03:24:21 PM »
Hey everyone! I've been hearing a lot about binary options trading recently and it sounds intriguing. I'm quite new to the whole trading scene and was wondering where I could start learning about how to trade binary options. Any advice on resources or first steps would be greatly appreciated!
Everything Else / فوائد السفرجل
« Last post by رنيم حمدي on April 21, 2024, 01:41:22 PM »

السفرجل هو فاكهة صغيرة ذات لون بني أو بني داكن وتحتوي
على فوائد صحية متعددة...
إليك بعض الفوائد المحتملة للسفرجل:
فوائد السفرجل للجنس...
غني بالألياف...
مصدر للفيتامينات والمعادن...
خفض ضغط الدم....
مضاد للأكسدة...
تعزيز صحة القلب...
تحسين صحة الجلد...
تعزيز الجهاز المناعي...
Everything Else / فوائد عشبة الحسكة
« Last post by رنيم حمدي on April 21, 2024, 01:36:16 PM »

عشبة الحسكة هي عشبة نباتية شائعة تستخدم لأغراض طبية
لها عدة فوائد محتملة منها فوائد عشبة الحسكة للجنس...
إضافة إلى ذلك نعدد :
تعتبر عشبة الحسكة مصدرًا غنيًا بالبروتينات والألياف والفيتامينات
مضاد للالتهابات....
تحسين الهضم...
تخفيف أعراض النقرس والتهاب المفاصل والأمراض المعوية....
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